Amazing Bricks over on Eurobrick says we are getting a Spiderman 2099 minifigure this summer

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Eurobricks user Amazingbricks said last night on the forum that we will be getting a Spiderman 2099 minifigure in the next wave of Marvel Super Hero sets.

For those of you that are not familiar with Spiderman 2099, here is a wiki page on him as well as a picture from a comic book cover from this wiki page.

I poked around on ebay to try to find a lego spiderman 2099 minifigure custom to see what they best on that I could find was and I think it is this one by Atomic Bricks here.

Lego spiderman 2099 by Atomic Bricks

I checked to see if Christo had one, but I could not find one for him right now.

Thanks for looking

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