It looks like we will get all 13 Doctors in Minifigure Form

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This picture was put up on the Facebook Lego Dimensions site earlier today.  It looks promising that we will get all 13 Doctors in Minifigure Form.  12 Doctors plus the War doctor! Excellent.  Sonic Screwdrivers and all!

Lego Dimensions ALl of the 11 Dr Whos


I cannot wait.  After seeing this, I have no doubt that we will get all of them and a bunch of the other characters!  It is just a matter of time in my opinion.

We have previously seen a few of these characters on the starter packs already.  But just a few of them.  See below.  These are already available for pre-order now.  I wonder when we will get the new packs.

Lego 71204 Dimensions Dr Who Lego Dimensions Doctor Who Cyberman Fun Pack 71238 large


Some of these are already showing up on eBay as well.  Here and Here.

Lego Dimensions Dr Whos

Here is the Twitter Feed from Lego.  They claim that the other 12 Doctors will just be playable characters, but that is probably what they would have to say.  I still think that the other 12 will be released in either Dimension Packs, or in Lego sets.  We already know that we are getting at least one of these in the Lego Ideas set that is confirmed already here!

Here is a video from SDCC as well.  You may have already seen this, but if not, here it is.

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2 thoughts on “It looks like we will get all 13 Doctors in Minifigure Form”

  1. my
    understanding is that only the 12th Doctor is being released as a
    minifigure, the others are “in game” characters not actual physical minifigures – from Lego Dimensions
    Twitter feed…

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