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EDIT: He posted a higher resolution shot of his chart here.
or you can see this on Flickr here. I never know how long Imgur images will stay around.
I know that this is not a minifigure, but I found my self drawn to this more than one time over the past few days. I originally noticed this on Flickr under Jeremy’s account here
Here is the direct link to the Flickr Photo here Click on the image to see the larger copy.
I sure would like to make one of these using just minifigure parts. That is an idea! Here is a start by Flickr user Johnny Walker.
Here is another by Flickr JeRoMe
After seeing this on Flickr, I noticed that this was also posted here to reddit and contains alot of additional information on Jeremy’s project. It also contains a lot of information on just how difficult it is to create a color chart of your own. It appears that this is not an easy undertaking.
Thanks for looking and I hope that you like it.
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