Mew Lego Legoland Star Wars Promotional Polybags Found Chewbacca – Luke – Obi-Wan-Kenobi 6252808 6252812 6252811

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It looks like three new Polybags are being given away at LegoLand.  I am guessing right now that these were part of Star Wars days this past weekend in California or Florida, but I am not certain.  I have not seen these anywhere else and they are all marked with 2018 year.  I found all of these up on eBay.  See below for the links.

Additionally, it looks like we may have a few more as the set numbers have holes in them and are not sequential.

Edit:  I just found a Han Solo one as well.  See here

Lego Legoland Star Wars Promotional Polybag Han Solo 6252810

Lego Legoland Star Wars Promotional Polybag Chewbacca 6252808

22 pieces

Source eBay

Lego Legoland Star Wars Promotional Polybag Luke 6252812

20 pieces

Source eBay

Lego Legoland Star Wars Promotional Polybag Obi-Wan_Kenobi 6252811

18 pieces

Source eBay

Thanks for looking

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