13 Different Lego Series Minifigures in Sealed Boxes

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When series 1 came out years ago, I went to the store and I tried very hard to get a full box of these figures that was brand new, but no one would sell them to me that way.  They wall wanted to open the box, or they would not part with the box.  I finally found one at Target, but it was pretty beat up.

I decided in frustration that I would just collect the open minifigures by themselves.  However after seeing these on eBay tonight here, I am wondering if I made the right decision.  These look pretty neat!  I found these in my nightly look at eBay tonight on this sellers page on eBay.  See here

Lego Minifigure Series in Box

In my hunt fer Series 16 last week, I was gifted a mint box when I purchased the minifigures from the Lego Store so that I would have something to carry them in.  I must say that the box is pretty nice looking and I am starting to wonder if I want a box for some of the other series as well!  🙂    They probably just gave it to me to frustrate me!  Ha!

Thanks for looking


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