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Coming in on the list of top 100 figures at #2 with an estimated value of $10,000 to $15,000is the Solid Gold C-3PO
I have never been able to find any of these for sale, but I did find this very nice replica on eBay here. I am thinking about pulling the trigger since I will never get a real one and the price is pretty reasonable. It looks like he has sold 19 of these and the feedback is still 100% positive.

Way back in 2007, the Lego put out an announcement for a contest on the back of the March April 2007 Lego Magazine. Nothing special was announced other than this and I remember seeing this and thinking that this is the end of my Lego star wars minifigure collection as they were about to release a minifigure that I could not have.
I had been carefully collecting every star wars figure and I am a bit of a completest. It has always been all or nothing for me. Before you ask, no, I do not have one and I had to get over this in order to continue my collection. Lego Super Heroes helped me with that!
On the back cover of this issue, was the following advertisement. “These are the droids you are looking for. GRAND PRIZE FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN WIN ONE OF FIVE SOLID GOLD C-3PO MINIFIGURES Details in the next issue of LEGO Magazine!”
Back Cover

Front Cover

I carefully cut this picture out and saved it with my bills thinking maybe I will get lucky or someone will sell it on eBay for a reasonable price.
A few months later, the next issue came. The September to October 2007 Issue. I tore through this issue to see how I could win this. Do I need to build a great creation? Do I need to buy the most Lego? Do I need to make a Lego film?
Front Cover

On page 19 of the magazine, they had the following advertisement. In the advertisement is a small blurb containing the following text.

“Can you spot the golden C_3PO in the scene? When you have found him, turn to page 24 to find out how you can win a solid gold droid of your own.”
I thought, I can find this! Maybe the first person to find it and send in a note wins!. Heck, I thought I am competing against ten year old kids. How hard can this be?
Well I tried and tried, and I cannot find the gold figure in this picture. I even looked again today. Those must be some pretty smart ten year old kids I thought. If any of you know where it is? Let me know.
I still cannot find it. I posted 4 more up close pictures to see if that helps anyone.

After my failure, I turned to page 24 of the magazine to find this ad.

“This is it – your last chance to enter to win one of five 14-KARAT GOLD C-3PO minifigures in celebration of the 30th anniversary of Star Wars? For a chance to win, send a postcard with your name, age, address and daytime phone number to: Golden C-3PO Contest P.O. Box 1179 EnField, CT 06083. All entries must be received by November 1st 2007! 5 winners will be randomly chosen from all of the entries received. Winners will be notified in December 2007! Dood Luck, and may the Force be with you!
WAIT…. I thought. Last Chance? Where was my first chance? Then I looked at the date on the Magazine. Did I miss one? I went back and looked through my magazines and I did not have a May June 2007 issue and Nothing in the July August 2007 issue that I could find.
Quick Update. I am going to order a May June issue off of Bricklink and see if I can find it. 8 years later, but Why not just for curiosity?
Here are the images that I was missing
May June 2007 Lego Club Magazine

May June 2007 Lego Club Magazine

and finally the July August issue had a very small reminder.

Someone just pointed me to this image on Brickshelf. Is this the one I am missing? I am not sure what this is from.

hmm. This looks like the same pic here taken from 2007 toy fair.

and here

Here is the motherload of images from the 2007 toy fair from Jedi Temple Archives. See the first one below.

So, I quickly filled out a card and mailed it in. Then, I filled out a few more for my wife and kids. Then I thought about that movie from the 80’s called Real Genius where Lazlo pulls up in an RV with all the stuff he won from the Frito Lay contest by using a computer to create millions of entries. Hey, I write computer software…
Then I say back and waited for my Gold C-3PO to arrive. 🙂 It never did. But then, I thought I will watch eBay and
Finally, in January February 2008 issue, Lego let us know who won. These 5 people were announced on Page 19. I was surprised that they posted the names. What was Lego thinking. People will hunt them down.
I thought, maybe I could contact them and see if they want to sell? I also thought me and 5000 other people. But laziness prevailed and I never did.

And that was it. The hunt was over. I did eventually find an article on Eurobricks with a picture from one of the winners. See this article for details.

I sure would like one of these to go with my other 600+ star wars figures.
Here is an update on the one owner that surfaced on EuroBricks.
August 2014
“Over the last couple years I have had several folks seriously inquiring about purchasing this piece. At this time my son has still not sold it. He has entertained a couple of legit offers but in the end he can’t get himself to sell it. He starts college this fall and thanks to his hard work in high school and great test scores he is not in immediate need of cash. As I have stated before I will post if and when he sells this thing to keep everyone updated. On the flip side should anyone catch a sale of any of the other 4 I would appreciate a heads up to educate us on where the market is on them. Thanks and good luck.”
Jim H must be Andrew’s dad I am guessing. He has stated that he knows the head comes off and he thinks that the arms and the hands move.
Here is another article over at Brickset. I am not sure how I missed this one when I was poking around.
Finally, I have heard rumor that Lego produced two more of these for Executives at Lego. But that is just a rumor!
Here is the list of the Top 100
and the Detail page for C-3PO