This post and site contains Affiliate links. I may earn a small commission if you click on them. Click here for more details. has been finding a whole lot of leaks lately. Here is a really great one that they just found. is a German AFOL site.
EDIT: HMMM Did not realize this was force awakens. Since Hoth said this was a November Release, I just assumed it was just Star Wars. So, the embedded images have been removed.
You can see it here.
You can read more about this here.
It sounds like this will be a ToysRUs Exclusive and should be out around November 2015? We will need to see.
As always, if you like to hear about minifigures, please like my page. I try to let you know about tall of the new and interesting ones.
New Minifigures of the week. I just found this one a few days ago.
this one is getting released this week! Trickster! 
Finally, it looks like someone on reddit has posted a collection of all of the Star Wars leaks from the past few months. You can find them here.
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EDIT: IT looks like the original source may be here or