Space Astronaut Minifigure that flew on Space Shuttle and the International Space Station

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Today I saw the coolest thing that I have ever seen on the Lego Reddit page.  User Syntriphics on reddit posted this picture of one of his Lego figures that was flown on the Space Shuttle Discovery to the International Space Station.  You can see this post here on reddit.

lego astronaut minifigure flew to the International Space Station and back


I read though all of the comments and it appears that his uncle was one of the Astronauts that flew on this mission and took the figure to space for the Original Poster.

As I read through the comments, I saw a few interesting comments.  More have been ebing added all day.  I suggest and even ask that you take a look at the post on reddit and give him an upvote as this is the coolest thing that I have ever seen on the Lego Reddit page!

  • The figure was taken to outer space especially for the original poster.
  • The figure was put in a small plastic bag because they were afraid that the pain might flake off in Zero Gravity.
  • It’s hard to fathom exactly how rare it is for someone to be an astronaut. There are about 3 times as many billionaires on Earth right now as there have been astronauts throughout history. Know anyone whose uncle is a billionaire? The owner of this minifigure is an even rarer breed.

The certificate of Authenticity reads as follows.

This Lego Astronaut was flown for ******* aboard the United States Space Shuttle Discovery to the International Space Station.  Discovery launched at 11:59 p.m. EDT, August 29, 2009, from Pad 39A at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida.  At 8:53 p.m. EDT, September 11,2009, Discovery landed at Edwards Air Force Base, California having traveled 217 Earth orbits.

Discovery reached and altitude of 213 Miles and a speed of 17.5000 miles per hour.  The flight duration lasted 13 days, 20 hours, 53 minutes, 45 seconds covering a total distance of 5,702,716 statute miles


We have heard about a few other minifigures that have made it to space.

The three figures aboard the Jupiter Spacecraft Juno


A few custom figures produced by that you can see more info about here.

The ESA has these guys up in space now or just recenly.


Here is a pic of one of these figures in space.  I am sure you have seen this one.    You can see it on Flickr here.

iriss LEGO figurine floats in Cupola

I believe that Nasa flew 300 of these up into space.  I have been trying to find more information out about these.  But the general idea is that 300 of these figures were flown up into the space station and then given away? as prizes or something like that.   I know of two varieties that exist.  Here is one of them.

You can read more about this here.

If you know of any other figures that have been to space, please comment on Discus below!

Thanks for looking.  Please take a moment to upvote this figure on reddit if you can!  Click here , log in and give it a vote.

If you like this and other posts on Lego Minifigures, please take a moment to like my Facebook page.

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Lego Angry Birds 2016 updated minifigure Picture

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We all saw a teaser a few months ago.  Now we have an official minifigure picture.  I am not sure if this is a licensed figure or not.  Since we are getting a movie, I guess it should be considered as such.  🙂

This was posted over on the Lego facbook page this morning.


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Lego Dimensions Unique Licensed Figures from Wave One

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EDIT:  I missed one.  Gimli has a new head as well.  🙁  I just went and picked one up.  I will add pics later.

Lego Dimensions Gimli head is different

I picked up all of the starter Pack, Fun Packs and Team Packs from wave one that fit the following criteria.

  • Were not Chima or Ninjago
  • Were not Jurasic Park
  • Were Licensed
  • I thought that they may be unique

I picked up some of these from Amazon, some from Best Buy and Some from Toys R Us.

I also picked up the Starter Pack with Batman, WyldStyle and Gandalf.  All in all, I picked up 12 figures including the ones that come in the Starter pack.   I also picked up quite a few vehicles, but I do not have time to look at those today.

Of the 12 figures that I looked at in Wave on, my original prediction was pretty close.  I was wrong on a few points as follows.

  • Gandalf is sporting a new head
  • WildStyle is not new
  • Bad Cop is not new

So we ended up with 7 new or different licensed figures in Wave 1.

Lego Dimensions Wave 1 Unique Figures

The six shown above, plus the guard from Jurassic Park.

Lego Dimensions Portal New Figure

As expected, Portal is a unique figure.  This one is 29.99 on Amazon.


Lego Dimensions Unique Scooby Doo

Scooby has a new head with his tongue sticking out.  The New figures is on the left in all cases for comparison.  This set is 24.99 on Amazon.

The next two figures are from the Starter Pack.  This is the most exspensive item that I purchased at 99 on Amazon.

Lego Dimensions Batman Different Cowl

Batman has a mix up pf previously released parts.  He has a closed cowl and a differnet head than the figure that already has this body.Lego Dimensions Batman Different Head Back Lego Dimensions Batman Different Head Front

Gandalf was very difficult to tell.  They gave him a new face.


Lego Dimensions Gandalf Different Face

Which you can clearly see here.Lego Dimensions Gandalf Different Head


here is a better picture for those in denial!

Lego Dimensions Gandalf has a new head

Legolas also received a new face that makes this figure unique.  This one is 14.99 on Amazon.  Lego Dimensions Legolas Differnt Face

The witch is new.  The wizard of Oz set is 14.99 on Amazon.

Lego Dimensions Wizard of Oz Witch

Here are the non unique figures that I picked up today.

Lego Dimensions Wave 1 Not Unique Characters


Marty is sort of Unique if you count the Guitar, but all of these are identical to the prior figures that were already released in other sets.

I stopped by Toys R Us today and the shelves were still full at 3:00 PM.

Lego Dimensions Toys R Us


I also snapped a picture of the display that they had at Toys R us.  The one at Walmart had a TV in it as well.



Here are the Team, Fun and Level packs that I picked up.

Lego Dimensions that I purchased 2 Lego Dimensions that I purchased


Finally, her is the back of both of the boxs from the Starter Pack.

20150927_234156 Lego Dimensions XBOX One Back of Box Starter pack

Here is my original post of all of the unique figures in the Lego Dimenions sets.  I had to update a few items, but it is still holding up pretty well.

Lego Dimensions has 21 Unique Figures as far as I can tell so far


Thanks for looking, please like my page.

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Star Wars and Indiana Jones and Pirates of The Caribbean Official Lego Printed Tiles

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I have never quite figures out what I should do with these.  I originally picked these up on a trip to Toys R Us several years back.  My initial thought was to make them part of one of the minifigure displays that I was working on at the time.


At one point, I though about making one of these puzzle games out of Legos that would allow you to move around all of the pieces until you had the picture in the proper place.  I also thought about doing a program that did this on the phone with these images also.

But, I ended up putting them all together on one large display that I just put with my minifigure displays.  The set consists of Two Pirates of the Caribbean cases, two Star Wars cases and two Indiana Jones Cases.

In looking these up today, I noticed that I am missing the Harry Potter Case.  I am not sure why I did not see this one earlier.  So I just picked one of those up.

Here is the Harry Potter Case and Tiles that I am missing.

Lego Nintendo DS Printed Harry Potter Tiles

Most of these are going for about $10 -$15 dollars, so they are pretty reasonable.  Here are some additional images of these cases.

Lego Nintendo DS Printed Indiana Jones Tiles

This one I had a hard time finding a copy of.  Probably because it is the neatest looking.  I did find one that just sold for $5 US on eBay

Lego Nintendo DS Printed Indiana Jones Tiles Case

Lego Nintendo DS Printed Indiana Jones Tiles2

I found this one on eBay for about 10$.

Lego Nintendo DS Printed Indiana Jones Tiles2 Case

Lego Nintendo DS Printed Pirates of the Caribbean Tiles

Lego Nintendo DS Printed Pirates of the Caribbean Tiles Case  this one is on eBay for $12

Lego Nintendo DS Printed Pirates of the Caribbean Tiles2

Lego Nintendo DS Printed Pirates of the Caribbean Tiles2 case small this one is on eBay for $9


Lego Nintendo DS Printed Star Wars Indiana Jones and POC Inverse Tiles

Lego Nintendo DS Printed Star Wars POC and INdiana Jones Tiles

Lego Nintendo DS Printed Star Wars Tiles 2

This one is a little harder to find.  I am not sure why, but it is the hardest one to find.  I did find one over on Amazon for $45.  If you are looking for this one, you may need to look at a used one or on eBay.

Lego Nintendo DS Printed Star Wars Tiles 2 Case

Lego Nintendo DS Printed Star Wars Tiles

Lego Nintendo DS Printed Star Wars Tiles Case This one is over on eBay for about 13$

These are pretty neat and I hope you can find a good use for them.

I am now off to Toy R Us to pick up a few of the exclusive figures that were just released with the Lego Dimensions sets!

Lego Dimensions

Thanks for looking.  Please like my page if you get a chance.

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Lego Complete Indiana Jones Minifigure Collection – How it came to be

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This is my Lego Indiana Jones Minifigure Collection.  This collection started on  a whim one day in 2009.  I was mostly just collecting Lego Star Wars MISB sets.  MISB = Mint in Sealed Box Sets and Lego Star Wars minifigures at that time.   I had started coming to terms with the fact that I may want to start just collecting minifigures and I had started to build display cases to display the minifigures in.

Lego Indiana Jones Complete Minifigure Collection

The friday night in question, I had gone to Play Poker with some of my friends.  We play ones a month with a $20 buy in and 3rd place gets $20, 2nd place gets $30 and the rest goes to the winner.   That night, the post was $240 and the winner took home $180 and it was me!!!!.  I woke up the next morning and I had to do some shopping at Target and as is usual, I decided to check out the Lego Isle.  While in the Isle, I came across the Lego Indiana Jones Temple of Doom Set, and it was on sale.

Now this set had all sorts of things going in its favor to be going home with me that day.

  1. I had just won at poker and had money burning a hole in my pocket.
  2. The set was on sale
  3. The set had a small guage train track piece in it that I wanted to see
  4. The set had the Mola Ram figure in it which at the time was pretty detailed
  5. It was September or October  and I had run out os Star Wars sets to purchase for the year and I was waiting for the next wave to be released in January.

So I picked it up for I believe $69.99.  I brought it home and pulled out the minifigures and said those are sweet.  I then promptly built a small display case for these figures and set them on a shelf.    I felt that I was finished with Indiana Jones at that time.

I then went to work over the next few days and I would come home and I would look at the figures next to my Star Wars figures and I would then go to Bricklink and look at the other ones that I was missing.  And I would say I do not want those any ways.  This happened a few times until I finally started picking up a few other sets and then I ultimately finished it off buy buying sets off of eBay and Bricklink.  This was a difficult one to complete because you basically had to find new figures and make sure that no one have mixed up the parts.  Too many close parts to look at.

Here is a full list of all of the Indiana Jones Figures here.

At about $20 Mola Ram is the only Indiana Jones Figure to make the list of expensive figures.  He is at about 210 on the list.

So, if you are looking for a licensed theme to start collection, this one is relatively cheap to get into.  The full set of these figures will only set you back about $250 bucks.

I checked on ebay and they have quite a few Mola Ram figures for about $20 bucks here.

Lego Indiana Jones Complete Minifigure Collection Mola Ram

My collection is missing one figure that I did not know about until today.  If you look at the Skeleton in my collection.  He has Silver Armor and it appears that lego also make a Pearl Light Gray version on another set.  🙁  Off to Bricklink I will go.  It has to be complete.  Right?

These two figures will also need to be added to the price guide in time.  I have about 100 to add right now.  🙂


I will be adding a video to this post shortly.

Please like my Facebook page to see more of these collections.

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Lego Dimensions Will Be Supported For an Additional 3 years and beyond

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Per a recent interview with EuroGamer here

Lego Dimensions

TT Games has confirmed that they have a three year plan to add more content to Lego Dimensions.  So the good news is that it is not going anywhere soon!

I recently posted all of the unique figures that are coming in the packs here.

Lego Dimensions has 21 Unique Figures as far as I can tell so far

Here is an excerpt from the interview.

“And there’s no end in sight – developer TT Games is currently planning to support Dimensions with new add-ons until at least 2018.

“We have a three year plan at the moment and we’ve got no intention of stopping there,” associate producer Mark Warburton told Eurogamer during an interview conducted at EGX.

“We’ve created the technology to the degree that we’re happy it meets our needs for the future. We’ve created the toy pad so that it shouldn’t need to be updated. And we can just create new level and character packs to keep expanding that.”

I am starting to see more of these over on eBay so we should see a bunch of review for these shortly.

Scooby Dimensions Off of Base


I most excited about this set with the GhostBusters Slimer and StayPuft.

lego dimensions ghostbusters 71233 Stay Puft Marshmallow Man Minifigure lego dimensions ghostbusters 71241 Fun Pack Slimer Minifigure

Thanks for looking.

Please like my Facebook page if you get a chance.

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Do they make these for all of the Letters. If so – Sign me up for a “D” and an “O” Vanna!

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I have said this before.  My first love is Lego minifigures, but these Lego promotional bricks are just super collectible and also easier to display.  All the same size, stackable etc.

lego Big E 2012 Promotional Brick

I laughed pretty hard when I saw this brick on eBay and I thought it I would really like the ones with a D and an O!  At least I thought it was Funny.  This seemed a little un Lego at first, but it appear that they have a whole campaign around the Big E!

I was able to find 2 more of these on eBay, but that was it?  I cannot find it anywhere else.  I am going to have to get myself one of these.

lego Big E 2012 Promotional Brick 2 lego Big E 2012 Promotional Brick 3

I have not been able  to find this brick on Bricklink or in the promobricks catalog.

The Big E appears to be a State Fair for 6 New England States all at once.  You can read a little more about it here if you are interested.

Thanks for looking!

I found two other things that were kind of interesting tonight.  Spending way too much time trying to learn more about the Lego Dimensions that will be released this weekend!

  1. This Lego Promotional NBA Polybag.

Lego 3500 3530 and 3529

And 2. that Amazon is discounting its Prime Membership by 33% today.  If you want or plan to get this, this is a good deal.

Lego Amazon Prime on sale

Please like my page if you get a chance.

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