As Robin would say Holy Guacamole – 20 K for Toy Fair Captain America and Iron Man

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For reference, I did not make up this Holy Guacamole phrase.  You can see it here along with the other 500 of these.  It is amazing what people have cataloged!

This link was just messaged to me by a reader.  I am not sure what to say.  This is the highest that I have seen one of these posted to date. This has go to be a record if it sells.  How do you even ship a 20K item in the mail? Is the insurance like $2000? l will eagerly watch to see this what this one sells for.

Lego_2012_new_york_toy_fair_with lanyard

Source eBay here.

I did notice that the last one posted for 12k with the Lanyard sold, so you never know.

Did I mention WOW?

Thanks for looking

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