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I am having a little difficulty finding our more details about this display, so I am just going to post what I have been able to find. Please add comments if you know more. I will also post links to where I am getting this information. If anyone knows of more pictures, let me know.
Link #1 –
Here is what the OP states is going to be the Millenium Falcon. See here

Per this article, “the Special Administrative Region of China is getting massive love from Disney/Lucasfilm in advance of the movie’s opening. In fact, it will open in Hong Kong a day before it does in the United States. Maybe it’s to beat the pirate DVD sales”
and another from here as well for the next two.


This display is life size in the Hong Kong Times Square. Here is R2-D2 and C-3PO. This was posted by Ivan B in a Singapore Facebook Group here I am also seeing these photos in Brickfinders facebook page as well here.

I sure would like one of these for the living room. I am guessing that the wife would not.
These next three pictures were also with it as well.

and this one as well.

If you have not seen it yet, Target just starting selling the Lightning Lad gift set here
. Very exciting day.

Here are two posted over in Legend Bricks here

I read that they are 37 inches high. This gives some perspective. They look a little bigger to me.

Here is one more photo that appears to show the overview of the entire display. I cannot tell if this is real, or a model. I found this one here on the Plastic Enemies facebook page.

Here are some additional Photo Galleries that I found.
Here from

Here is another video… from the same facebook page
Here is a mother load of pictures from this facebook page.
Just take a look at this Gallery here. He has over 27 pictures.

See also here
Here is a post from Vincent Hao here to facebook.

Here is a video that shows most of these as well. It is a little jittery. lol. This was posted by Jason Chak
I wonder if these are the same size as the regular store display figures. You can see more of these here.

Thanks for looking.
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