Category Archives: Display Cases

One of the Best Lego Super Hero Minifigure Displays that I have ever seen

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A few years back I ran across a user on ebay katiecody or C3BRIX.  He was selling a minifigure display and I fell in love with it.  He never did sell it, but he was kind enough to send me a few pictures of it along with a few variations that he has tried.  I think that he ended up deciding that he did not want to get rid if it.  I do not blame him.

C3Brix Display 1


At the time, this was about the best display that I had ever seen.  It was perfect.  Modular, able to be added on to and it looked awesome.  The only issue at all would be dust I thought, but I could live with that!

Cody (the individual that built this) is a Lego professional that builds custom items and mosaics.  He has had some really nice items that I have seen in the past.  He has a website that can be seen here.

I immediately went to Bricklink to find the piece that he used.  40242.  I figured that I would just build one.  Well after spending about a year trying to buy enough pieces, I gave up.  This is a pretty rare piece that no one was selling very many of and especially in this color.  It only came in One Harry Potter set.

At the time, we had about 75 superhero minifigures, 30 Batman minifiguresand 30 Spiderman minifigures.  So I figured I needed to get to at least 200 to leave some room to grow.  In hindsight, that would not have been enough.

Now, we have more than 200 and counting.  see links below.





Here are a few more pics of his display.

C3Brix Display 2


C3Brix Display 3

C3Brix Display 5

C3Brix Display 6

I purchased everyone that existed and I figured I would just wait.

I made it up to about 75 of them and I gave up.  I also tried other colors as well, but Lego must not have made very many of these.  Eventually, I sent the green ones to Cody to make his display bigger and I am sitting on the rest with no real purpose as I have not been able to get enough in any one color.  See below.  I am getting close with orange.  🙂

Cody, if you see this, I still have one green one that I need to send to you!

bag of 40242

I also found a youtube video that shows a few close up of some of the figures.  Cody is a huge customizer as well and has some pretty nice unique pieces.  When I played this video, it did not have sound, but maybe it will work for you.

If you watch the youtube video, you can see some of his pieces.  He has also had a few items out on Lego Idea such as a Ghostbusters House that are really neat.