Category Archives: Duplo Minifigures

Lego Duplo Mickey Mouse Prototype figure created in front of your eyes

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I just found this video while looking for the new Disney minifigures from the Disney Collectible minifigure series that will be released shortly.  I thought that this was pretty neat how they show how this figure was created!

It looks like Lego just uploaded this video today.

Lego Duplo Mickey Mouse Prototype Mickey - Copy

Here is the video

and this is the minifigure that they are creating

Lego Duplo Mickey Mouse Prototype Mickey

from this set.  Click on either of these images to see this set on Amazon.


Finally, I was able to find this figure available separately over on eBay as well.  Just click on the image to see this.  I have not decided if I am going to get this one.  I picked up the toy story Duplo characters, but i have not picked up the Disney ones yet.

Lego Duplo Mickey Mouse

Thanks for looking

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