Category Archives: Harry Potter

Hungarian Horntail Dragon from Lego Harry Potter

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I saw one of these on eBay this morning that was complete and I started watching it to see what price it goes for!   Hungarian Horntail on eBay  I thought that I would pull up this old post and review it and see if it needed any information added to it.  See below….

A while back in 2014 I went on a mission to find and acquire a new Lego Harry Potter Hungarian Horntail.  I wanted a new copy because these are prone to breaking and they are usually missing some of the pieces.   I also always try to buy new because I find myself really irritated when the used pieces that I just saved a few dollars on have a major flaw.  I just ran into this issue when I received an Avatar Aang figure with a scratch on his face.  I had to promptly go back to the seller and get a new one.  UGHH!


According to the movies, the Horntail has the following characteristics.

  • Its back end is as dangerous as its front.
  • It is Native to Hungary
  • It is the most dangerous dragon breed.

He is currently 52nd on my list of Top 100 Lego Minifigures.  I have included certain animals in my list due to the fact that they are important to the theme and because people collect them with their minifigures.  I also included Smaug and a few others.  I will add the rest as time permits.

The hungarian Horntail is a dragon that was included in Lego set 4767 called Harry Potter and the Hungarian Horntail.  This set (click to see) is also rather expensive due to the fact that it has Mad Eye Moody in it as an exclusive.

Lego 4767 Hungarian Horntail

After a huge search, I finally found one and it is even better than I thought it would be.  I am a huge collector of minifigures and this has fallen into my definition of a minifigure.  It is awesome.  I was also surprised to see how big it was.   It will definitely not fit on my display shelf.

At the time of this post, I was also in the process of finishing up my Harry Potter Minifigure Collection as well.  That is now complete if you want to see it here.

Lego Harry Potter Minifigure Collection

I am going to share with you my process of putting this guy together.  Please let me know if you like him.  If you do, I would head over to eBay or Bricklink and pick up a copy before they are all gone.  They are impossible to find in any condition, but especially new.

I believe that part of the rarity of this figure is due to the fact that people were done with the Harry Potter line by the time that this set came up for sale.  I think that people are ready for the Harry Potter Line again now, but they may have been saturated at that point.  I guess that you can only have so many Harry Potter minifigures in your collection before they begin to get boring.  I know I have been attempting to complete my collection of harry potter figures and it is silly how many exist.  At least 16, but I may have lost count.

Here are all of the pieces that came with the dragon.  My favorite piece is the tail.  It is awesome and it is a one of a kind.  The wings on this dragon are also jointed in two places that allows for the wing to turn a little, but not too much.  I think it was a good design and one that they should have used on the new Smaug dragon in the Hobbit series.  I think that it would have made those wings more usable for other MOC’s.

Lego Harry Potter Hungarian Horntail 4767 Dragon Minifigure (11)

Lets start with the head.  The head is ok.  This would have looked much better with a brown Smaug head.

Lego Harry Potter Hungarian Horntail 4767 Dragon Minifigure (13)


This is more fitting based on the movie dragon in my opinion.  However, this was several years ago and this may have been too complicated of a design for Lego at that time.

Lego Harry Potter Hungarian Horntail 4767 Dragon Minifigure (15)

Lego Harry Potter Hungarian Horntail 4767 Dragon Minifigure (14)

And the tail.  Nothing special in the tail yet.

Lego Harry Potter Hungarian Horntail 4767 Dragon Minifigure (18)

Lego Harry Potter Hungarian Horntail 4767 Dragon Minifigure (16)

Lego Harry Potter Hungarian Horntail 4767 Dragon Minifigure (20)

This piece is awesome!

Lego Harry Potter Hungarian Horntail 4767 Dragon Minifigure (26)

Now the hinges for the wings.

Lego Harry Potter Hungarian Horntail 4767 Dragon Minifigure (22)

Lego Harry Potter Hungarian Horntail 4767 Dragon Minifigure (23)

Lego Harry Potter Hungarian Horntail 4767 Dragon Minifigure (24)


Notice the joint for articulation.

Lego Harry Potter Hungarian Horntail 4767 Dragon Minifigure (25)


And the horns.

Lego Harry Potter Hungarian Horntail 4767 Dragon Minifigure (27)

Lego Harry Potter Hungarian Horntail 4767 Dragon Minifigure (28)


Lego Harry Potter Hungarian Horntail 4767 Dragon Minifigure (1)


And Finally the wings!!!!!!

Lego Harry Potter Hungarian Horntail 4767 Dragon Minifigure (2)


Lego Harry Potter Hungarian Horntail 4767 Dragon Minifigure (4)

Lego Harry Potter Hungarian Horntail 4767 Dragon Minifigure (3)


Now the talons and the fire.

Lego Harry Potter Hungarian Horntail 4767 Dragon Minifigure (5)

Lego Harry Potter Hungarian Horntail 4767 Dragon Minifigure (6)

Lego Harry Potter Hungarian Horntail 4767 Dragon Minifigure (7)

Lego Harry Potter Hungarian Horntail 4767 Dragon Minifigure (8)

Lego Harry Potter Hungarian Horntail 4767 Dragon Minifigure (9)

Lego Harry Potter Hungarian Horntail 4767 Dragon Minifigure (10)

and the finished product.



Thanks for looking!

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Finally Picked up the last Harry Potter Minifigure

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EDIT:  When I put this post together last year, I noticed that I was missing a few minifigures.  I have hunted those down and created a video of the full collection.  You can see it below.  Here is a picture of the latest collection here.

Complete Harry Potter Minifigure Collection

Since I pulled out the Hungarian Horntail Post, I thought I would pull this one out of storage as well!  This is from when this collection was finished in August of last year.

I have been trying to complete this collection for the past 12 months.  I cannot even tell you how many issue I ran into when trying to find all of these.

First and foremost is the fact that the supply of these in the States is really limited.  I had to go to Europe for a lot of the rare ones.

Second, it was difficult trying to identify the correct minifigures.  Bricklink and other lists had a few incorrect figures and duplicates that people were selling as real figures.  I believe that these have all been eliminated now and the list here and at Bricklink is not correct.

Here is the list I am using to order these.


Third, a few of the figures were just not available in new condition.  I there fore either had to buy the set and pull the figures, or I had to settle for like new used figures.  I did pick up nice used figures for 5 or 6 figures.

Forth, I should have picked all of these up before I put up the top 100 list.  I believe that people have started to collect just the expensive figures and the prices on the ones in the top 100 have been increasing over the past 12 months.  This may just be a factor of supply and demand also, but some of these are really getting expensive and hard to fine.

Top 100 figures here.

Well, I am sure you are here to see the figures, so I will add up close and detailed images below so you can see nicer pictures.

I have learned two other things with this.

1) I am never going to be able to display all 700 plus Star Wars figures.  This took me several hours to put all of these in cases and it was not cheap either.  I am not sure I know where to put 720 Star Wars figures.  That could be a 10 foot by 10 foot wall.

2) I really like the new display cases.  No Dust, the fronts open and the stack nicely!











Now no collection is complete without the Hungarian Horntail.  Right?  So here is mine.


Here are the last four characters that I have collected.  Please let me know if you see any others that I am missing.  The Hippogriff ‘Buckbeak’, Phoenix ‘Fawkes’, Basilisk and Dog Three Headed ‘Fluffy’ are shown below.

20150823_104454 20150823_104426
20150823_104510 20150823_104350

Here is my Cave Troll.  I missed this one on my first pass.


I am still missing this one. Thestral (Horse, Skeletal with Wings), Complete Assembly.

If you like these display cases, Amazon is selling then now.  I picked most of these up through Amazon.  The first three came through ToyRUs.

Lego Large Display Case 4406 with Empty

If you like minifigures, please like my page to the the most up to date minifigure news.

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New Harry Potter New Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Trailer released

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Lets hope for some new sets!

Harry Potter Fantastic Beasts New Trailer Released

Thanks for looking

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Complete Collection of Lego Harry Potter Sets – How much space do you have?

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While doing my weekly browsing of Lego on eBay, I came across this alleged complete collection of all Harry Potter Sets from an adult collector.  I was amazed at just how much space that it requires to display this full collection.

I cannot verify this, but the collection does look complete.  I guess that this is one way to get a full set of the minifigures.  🙂

Lego complete Collection of all Harry Potter Sets Adult owned

The auction states that these sets were all adult owned and that they come with the boxes?

Thanks for looking

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Harry Potter Figures with Lego Printed on Back of Torso Does anyone have any information

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I recently picked up these two Lego Harry Potter Torsos that have the Lego Logs written on the back of them.  It appears that these are the only ones in the Harry Potter line that have this.

Lego Harry Potter and Dumbledore Promotional Torso with Lego Logo

Does anyone know where these come from?  When or why were they produced?  Were the included in some sort of promotion?  I anyone knows, please drop me a message via Facebook or on the Discus message below.

I picked these up on Bricklink here and here.

The appear to be the same as the torsos that come in these two figures except that they have the Lego Logo on the back.

Please let me know if you know of any additional information on these.  I would appreciate it.

A few people have commented on Facebook and it appears that these are keychain Torsos that made it out of the factory before being spiked with the keychain hook.

I also found this page here.

It looks like we may have a Snape and Hermione as well.  But I do not nee any mention of them on Bricklink.  Just this site.

Please like my page if you get a chance to keep this news coming in your direction.

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Rare Lego Japan Harry Potter Coca Cola Gift Box Set New 4727 4721 4735 4731 & 4726

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I love these Harry Potter Coca Cola Promotional Items from Japan.  For that matter, all of the Lego – Coca Cola promotional items from Japan are pretty sweet.

We previously posted this minifigure promotional Lego Harry Potter Asian Market Minifigure Collection of 17 Minifigures 2002 set in June that is really sweet and it appears that we have another set to go with it here that I just found on eBay.  This set is also from 2002 as well.

Lego Harry Potter Japan Market Coca Cola Collection of 5 sets


You can find some additional images on the eBay auction.

Lego Harry Potter Japan Market Coca Cola Collection of 5 sets back Lego Harry Potter Japan Market Coca Cola Collection of 5 sets inside

I wonder how many more of these exist that we will find.  This one is a really good buy as it is almost as low as what it would cost you to just buy the minifigures alone.

Speaking of which, I just finished my Harry Potter Minifigure Collection, so look for that post soon!  You can see the full list of Harry Potter figures here.

Thanks and let me know if you know of any more of these.  This one is a diamond in the rough as this is the only one of these I have ever seen.  I do not think it will last for very long.  The force with Harry Potter Fans is very strong and some of them are old enough to have jobs now.  They are going to start collecting their childhood toys very soon.

I know quite a few of the Harry Potter figures are filling slots in the top 100 most expensive figures.

MinifigsNL Website Image

Here are the links to see these sets on Bricklink, but none are for sale.



Lego Harry Potter Minifigure Collection from the Asian Market

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As you all know, I am an avid minifigure collector.  Harry Potter is one of the lines that I originally passed on because I was wasting all of my funds on Lego Star Wars.  However, after watching the movies, I decided that I wanted to complete the collection after all.  I have been completing this on eBay and Bricklink and it has been a tough process finding some of these figures.  I have had to order out of the US quite a few times!

You can see all of the Harry Potter Figures ever produced along with their current retail prices here.

You can also read a review of the Lego Hungarian Horntail here.


I recently found this set on eBay I believe that this set was released in Asia and in the year 2002.  After looking at this set, I sure wish I had picked on of these up when they were released.  What a great item.  I do not think that I would open them up.

Lego Harry Potter Asian Market Minifigure Collection of 17 Minifigures 2002 box sides

I have just recently come very close to completing my harry potter collection.  I believe that I am still missing one now.

On top of that, I believe that people have been picking out the top 100 figures that are just Harry Potter figures and buying them as the prices appear to be climbing over the past several month.  Get them while you still can.  A full set will put you back $1500 to $2000.  You can see all of the top 100 most expensive lego figures here.

Lego Price Guide

As I have been completing my collection, I visit this eBay auction at least one a week and contemplate purchasing this set.  I am not sure how much longer I can stop myself.  🙂  It is very tempting!

Do any of you know more about this collection and how it was sold?  How many were produced or any other details?  How about any pictures of what is inside while it is being opened?Lego Harry Potter Asian Market Minifigure Collection of 17 Minifigures 2002

If anyone knows of a review of this set, I would live to see it.

Lego Harry Potter Asian Market Minifigure Collection of 17 Minifigures 2002 side picture Lego Harry Potter Asian Market Minifigure Collection of 17 Minifigures 2002 other side picture Lego Harry Potter Asian Market Minifigure Collection of 17 Minifigures 2002 box top Lego Harry Potter Asian Market Minifigure Collection of 17 Minifigures 2002 box minifigure list

I am also posting a few pictures of my Harry Potter Collection in progress.  Can you tell which ones I am still missing?  I am missing one now, but the pictures still show three missing.

I have them in my walmart staging trays until I have all of them and I can get a nice picture and put them in one of my display cabinets.

Here are a few pictures!  I hope you enjoy.  Ping me if you know which ones I am missing.

Lego Harry Potter Minifigure Collection in progress Tray 5 Lego Harry Potter Minifigure Collection in progress Tray 1 Lego Harry Potter Minifigure Collection in progress Tray 2 Lego Harry Potter Minifigure Collection in progress Tray 3 Lego Harry Potter Minifigure Collection in progress Tray 4