Category Archives: Lego

Another Batman v Superman figure 76044 Clash of Clans with Glowing Eyes

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Just found this one over on a Mexican Facebook group.  What do you think?  I am a little concerned over how many Batmans.  I am gonna have like 60 different Batman figures.

EDIT:  Eurobricks also has this one posted here.  It looks like they think it is legit.  They are also stating that it will come with an Armor piece and that it will be in a set called 76044 “Clash of Heroes” that will sell for $13

76044 “Clash of Heroes”. $13

This guys looks legit.  here is a copy of the armor that is posted over on flickr here by hellobricks  – I love this armor.

LEGO DC Comics 76044

I also found one of these for sale over on eBay as well.  This guy looks like he is taking photos of the sets on his computer screen, so I am not sure if these are legit.

It looks like the head glows in the dark as well.  See the additional pictures below.

It is a good day indeed.  I just found a red prototype Darth Vader on eBay.  A true auction, not a buy it now, so we should be able to see a true value for this one.  I posted a few more pictures of this here.

Rare Lego Red Darth Vader Prototype Helmet

Thanks for looking

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Lego Batfflek And LexCorp agent from Set 76045 in the Batman vs Superman sets

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It looks like we have two new minifigures from Flickr user Galaad here.   He is stating that these figures will be in 76045 “Kryptonite Interception”

These were just posted up on Eurobricks here.   I must say that these look great!  I think that the batman may also have some armor as well that we are not seeing, but I am not sure.  We should be seeing more of these shortly as these new sets get released.  Here are some of the others figures that that we have seen over the past few days.


LexCorp agent

This looks to be the same batman that they showed at the NYCC.

Lego 76045 Kryptonite Inception

Thanks for looking

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Lego Unikitty Maxi Figure over at LEAHI

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I found this on this Flickr stream this morning.  It is a custom Unikitty Maxi Fig that I thought was spot on.  I appears that this was shown at the Lego Enthusiast Association of Hawaii show recently. LEAHI

See Big Daddy Nelsons Filckr Stream here to see more pictures of the show as well.


Thanks for looking.

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Amazon.DE free Silver Centurion with the Marvel Avengers Video Game

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At least for the PlayStation 4.  However, I suspect it will be all platforms.  The box art just released on here shows this.

Lego Avengers Video Game Amazon Germany with Silver Centurion Minifigure

Thanks for looking.

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22 New 2016 sets added to Lego Shop at Home site today

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Here is the link to see all of them.  I hope you enjoy!

Lego 2016 Sets Shot 1

Lego 2016 Sets Shot 2

Thanks for looking

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Lego Duplo Mickey Mouse Prototype figure created in front of your eyes

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I just found this video while looking for the new Disney minifigures from the Disney Collectible minifigure series that will be released shortly.  I thought that this was pretty neat how they show how this figure was created!

It looks like Lego just uploaded this video today.

Lego Duplo Mickey Mouse Prototype Mickey - Copy

Here is the video

and this is the minifigure that they are creating

Lego Duplo Mickey Mouse Prototype Mickey

from this set.  Click on either of these images to see this set on Amazon.


Finally, I was able to find this figure available separately over on eBay as well.  Just click on the image to see this.  I have not decided if I am going to get this one.  I picked up the toy story Duplo characters, but i have not picked up the Disney ones yet.

Lego Duplo Mickey Mouse

Thanks for looking

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Lego Emmet Awards statuette Nominee Minifigure 33 known to exist – Very rare figure

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EDIT:  It looks like this guy was sold here on ebay a short while ago.  See here

Very Rare indeed figure!

I just love it when I learn about a new minifigure that I have never heard mention of.  It makes my day to try to learn everything about the minifigure and where any of them exist.  Today was just such a day.

Lego Movie Emmet Awards Contest Prize Gold Plated Emmet Front and back

Today I received an email from a reader (thanks mp mikey) that suggested that my top 100 list was missing a figure.  The reader pointed me to the video shown below that shows this chrome gold plated Emmet minifigure that was given as a prize in the contest in 2014.  I will definitely need to add this figure to the list!

I watched the video and I was amazed.  This one had completely passed me by and I had not even heard of it.  I pm the author of the video and learned that he had in fact won the prize in this contest a few years back.

Lego Emmet Awards Contest

Lego used to have some additional information on the prize winners of the contest here.  They appear to be gone now.  I am not sure why people keep killing off old content on their websites?  Does the storage cost too much lego?  What gives?

It appears that the contest had a larger prize (A large brick built Emmet figure) and that these gold chrome Emmet Statues are the awards that were given out for being considered in the contest.  But if you ask me, this was the better prize!

Lego Movie Emmet Awards Contest Prize Gold Plated Emmet Front

Lego Movie Emmet Awards Contest Prize Gold Plated Emmet Back

Here are some additional pictures that Yop Animations was nice enough to send to me so we could see his great prize.  One interesting item to note is that this package appears to have three different item numbers!

Lego Movie Emmet Awards Contest Prize Gold Plated Emmet Front Box Lego Movie Emmet Awards Contest Prize Gold Plated Emmet Front (2) Lego Movie Emmet Awards Contest Prize Gold Plated Emmet Front (3) Lego Movie Emmet Awards Contest Prize Gold Plated Emmet Front (4) Lego Movie Emmet Awards Contest Prize Gold Plated Emmet Front (5) Lego Movie Emmet Awards Contest Prize Gold Plated Emmet Front (6) Lego Movie Emmet Awards Contest Prize Gold Plated Emmet Front (7) Lego Movie Emmet Awards Contest Prize Gold Plated Emmet Front (8)

The video Author (yop1172) was nominated in the Ma and Pa Cop Segment of this contest.  You can see further details of this and all of the contest segments here on wikia.

Ma and Pa Cop (May) 

The goal is to build something for someone special with LEGOs.


  • epicninja1
  • JoshDaVidman (winner)
  • kzamarski
  • ramrods22
  • yop1172

Here is his video of it being opened and displayed.  You can see his Youtube channel here.  YOP Animations

You can see his creation shown in the video above.  It is this one.  You can see this at 3:46 in the video above.

Lego Ma and Pa Cop Award Nominee

And here it is in the Lego video at 5:07

Winners of the Dedicated to Ma and Pa Cop Awards

You can also see if in the Awards Presentation video that was put out by Lego.

Here are two twitter posts with the prize as well.^tfw^tfw

Finally, here is someone else that also won one of these, but his is a little different!  This is on Flickr account Imagine Rigney here

Rebrick Win!


Emmet Statuette!

Thanks for looking.

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