Category Archives: Lego

A reader has reported that he has the Number 1 Gold C-3PO Minifigure and it looks spectacular!

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EDIT:  This person is interested in selling  If you are interested in contacting this person, I cannot give you their name or contact information, but you can send me your email address and I will pass it along to them.  You may email me @

Lego Gold C-3PO  Number 1 of 5 has been located.  This is the second one of these that I have come across in the past few years.  See here for the first one.  This is quite a rarity to see!

A reader recently contacted me and let me know that he has the Number 1 Gold C-3PO MInifigure.   If you are interested in contacting this person, I cannot give you their name or contact information, but you can send me your email address and I will pass it along to them.  You may email me @

As many of you recall, 5 of these were given by Lego in 2007 – 2008.  See here for Details!  Lego was even kind enough to announce the winners in their Lego magazine in 2008.  I have a copy of all of all the original pages that pertain to this contest in this post here and you can go through them to see the history of this contest.


I have heard that Lego also has two of these in its archives, but I have never been given proof of this.  I also heard that they have two Silver and Bronze ones as well.   In addition, we also have seen images of the 1 Lego Bronze c-3PO that was given away at 2007 San Diego Comic Con.   See here .  FInally, we have yet to see images of the Silver C-3PO that was also given away that same year.   See here for that one.

This figure currently tops my Lego Top 100 Minifigure Price List at #2, but it is hard to tell if it should be #1 or #2.   I also think that I am going to have to  raise my estimated prices for these top 7 figures as I think I am a little low on these.  I recently saw a figure go for 5K and if that is realistic, these are certainly worth a lot more.  I do not know how much, but I would guesstimate 25-50K may be  more realistic for these pieces.

It is Gold and it is Star Wars and it is rare!  Probably one of the rarest Star Wars pieces in existence anywhere.  It also has a pretty good pedigree as well since they can most likely be traced back to the original winners.

I would love to add one of these figures to my collection someday, but I do not think that this is going to happen.  Even if it did happen, I would then need to hire a security guard!  lol…..

I will post a video of this figure later this weekend as well and I will dream a little that maybe someday I can add one of these to my collection.  But probably not in my case.  🙁

Thanks for looking

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Mikael sent over these pictures of his minifigure collection that you see below!  You can see him on Instagram here @hellomikael .

Mikael live in Switzerland and he displays his minifigures on shelfs that he picked up at Ikea as shown below.    He said that each shelf holds about 192 minifigures.  I think that these look great!   If you have a collection to show, please message me on facebook here and send me photos and tell me about your collection!

If you are interested, I have about 19 pages of posts on how to display your Lego Minifigures.  See here for more

Here are a few more pics of his collection.

Thanks for looking and I hope you enjoyed this collection.

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Wanted – Cisco Live Promotional Minifigures – Cisconian – Steve – Your IT and Certified CCIE figure

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I thought that these were an interesting find.   These are not official Lego, but they look like fun custom promotional figures that were  produced to hand out the 2017 Cisco Live Event in Las Vegas.  If you know more about these, please comment below so everyone knows.  If you have a set to sell, please send me an email at and let me know.  I am looking for a set of these!  I personally meant to bid on these on Monday, but I ended up falling asleep.  I am not sure how many different ones exist, but I found 4 of these on eBay.  See below for the links.

Certified CCIE figure

Cisconian Figure

dCloud Steve 

You’re IT

Thanks for looking

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First lego League 2011 Minifigures Set of 18 from 6 cities

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I just picked up a set of these from a friend of mine in Denmark.  I paid a little more than this for my set, so this appears to be a pretty good deal.    This seller currently has about 10 sets of these for sale for about $400.  See here

The story that I have heard is that these figures were distributed in the following 6 cities as part of a First Lego League Tour in 2011.  The torsos on these figures are all unique and were previously only available in a few Lego Store Grand Opening sets from 2011 in the US.  No other figures have these torso as far as I know.


Los Angeles




San Diego

I did a quick video of my set of these figures that you can see below.

Thanks for looking

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Lego SDCC 2017 Exclusive DC Legends of Tomorrow Vixen and Marvel Deadpool Duck Minifigures

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Just two figures this year.  My wallet is relieved.  🙂

If you are looking for these over on ebay, here is the best search I could come up with.  Click here or the thumbnails below.

7/23/2017 – I am guessing that we will have a total of 1000 – 1750 of these as in the past few years, but I am not seeing  as many Ducks as I would have thought on eBay.

7/23/2017 – I did a search of all of the SDCC Duck and Vixen figures listed on eBay that I can find and I currently see about 222 listings for sale and about 466 that have sold.  A good price for Vixen appears to be about $175 and Deadpool duck appears to be more at about $250.  This may go down a little today if the give out a second batch of these, but we will also have more buyers as well. I have been emailing the sellers and asking about the case condition since we have so many options.  I bought Vixen for $175 and Deadpool Duck for $250 after ensuring that they would ship in a box and that the figures and cases were in good condition.  Good Luck.

Lego announced that Deadpool Duck will be the second Exclusive and I am pretty excited about this one.  Deadpool Duck will be given away on Thursday and Saturday.  Deadpool duck is based on a Marvel comic that was released this year in January.  This is a relatively short run comic and I may be interested enough in this figure to read this short line of comics!

Here is a link to a listing of the comics 1-5 over on eBay

The first of two exclusive minifigures that will be given away at the 2017 San Diego Comic Con  and it looks like a match up to last years Atom minifigure.  We are getting Vixen from legends of Tomorrow series.  She also showed up in Arrow on one or two episodes as well.  The lady that can bring out he essence of Animals if you do not remember.  Here is a link to her description

I am not sure how many of these we will get, but I am guessing that it will be about 1000-1750 again of each.  So I would expect that you will pay 200 for this figure.  As always, people have started to list them on eBay and you can see them all here at this link.

I started watching Arrow this summer and that quickly turned into Flash and finally I am watching Legends of Tomorrow as well now.  I was never a huge fan of DC, but after watching these shows this summer, I have really come to like these characters!  I will be watching SuperGirl next.

Finally, both of these are sure to make a quick entry into the Lego Top 100 List of expensive Minifigures.  You can see the full list here if you have not already.

Thanks for looking

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Minifigure Madness has a full set of 20 Ninjago Movie Minifigures for 74.99 Euros with promo code

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Minifigure Madness sent over this special that they are running for the new Ninjago Movie Minifigures.  They are doing a pre-order special for $74.99 Euros when you enter promo code “Priceguide04”.  I used to go to the store and try to feel all of the packets, but then I started buying the figures in full sets instead.    I always felt a little odd as a grown man sitting in the toy Aisle for an hour at Target feeling the Lego packets.  🙂

I deviated from this plan and went to Target to buy the Batman Movie minifigures and I regretted it as I had about 15 extras that I needed to sell off on eBay and it was a fair amount of work.  So I am going back to my old way this time around!  Here is the link to the special.  Link

Thanks for looking and good luck!

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Lego Technic Promotional Minifigure Tag der offenen Tür 1997 BAAR Switzerland Very Rare

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Well Google translate translated this “Tag der offenen Tür” as  “Open Day Baar” which I thought was kind of funny and though t where is the Beer!  lol.  

Anyways, the story behind this figure is that I saw it over on eBay here about a month ago.   I posted it to Facebook since I do not collect Technic figures (yet) thinking that someone would snatch it up immediately.  However, after a few days, I noticed that no one had bid on it, so in the last few minutes I decided to add it to my collection so that I could get a look at it and research it a little more!  It cost me $49 US which I did not think was that bad.

This is my first ever Technic figure and I was a little surprised at the size of it as it is much bigger than I had expected.

I did a quick video of the figure here so you can get a better look at it.

A reader pointed me to this link over on eurobricks that states that this figure is from a plastics and Injection Moulding conference in 1997.  The date on the figure is June 21st 1997.  If anyone knows more about this figure or of any other similiar figures, please post a comment below.

Thanks for looking

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