Category Archives: Lego

Lego SDCC Atom 2016 – One Down and one to go

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I am watching the eBay auctions eagerly to see how these are selling.  I picked up my Atom figure about an hour ago as this is the best time to buy when so many people are selling.  After this, they usually settle down for a little while and then start to go up.  If you want to follow eBay to find your own, here is the link.  I am sorting by newest first so you can see the new ones as they are listed.

Source eBay

I was very excited that they only have two figures this year as it will make this much cheaper.

I just need to wait for it to arrive now and I will do a review!  I think anywhere in the 150-185 range is fair for now, but I still do not know how many that they made this year.  We will need to see.

I am hoping that they made more like 2000-3000 as this will cause more people to want the older ones.

Lego Atom SDCC

Thanks for looking

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Two new Lego Movie Sets and Minifigures revealed this morning

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It looks like Lego Tweeted these this morning and also had USA today post a few images here as well.

Lego Batmobile and Jokers Notorious Ride.  I am not sure I am a huge fan of the sets, but the figures show that they are putting a comical twist on the movie characters.

You are just going to have to ignore the babysitter!

Lego Movie 2017 Minifigures

Here are the bigger images.

Lego Batman Movie Exclusive Minifigure revealed BatGirl Lego Batman Movie Exclusive Minifigure revealed Batman and Robin Lego Batman Movie Exclusive Minifigure revealed Batman Lego Batman Movie Exclusive Minifigure revealed Batmobile Lego Batman Movie Exclusive Minifigure revealed Harley Quinn Lego Batman Movie Exclusive Minifigure revealed Joker Lego Batman Movie Exclusive Minifigure revealed Joker Lego Batman Movie Exclusive Minifigure revealed Jokers Notorious Lowrider Lego Batman Movie Exclusive Minifigure revealed Kabuki Twins Lego Batman Movie Exclusive Minifigure revealed Man-Bat Lego Batman Movie Exclusive Minifigure revealed Robin Lego Batman Movie Exclusive Minifigure revealed Robin

Thanks for looking

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Fun Brickset Promotional Minifigure is very affordable

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I am constantly scanning Flick and the internet for new minifigures and I kept coming across Brickset minifigures but I did not know the source.  I just assumed that they were a rare and hard to find giveaway that were produced once upon a time.  Then a few weeks ago, I found one at Brickworld in Chicago that was on Display and the owner told me where he picked it up.   MINIFIGFORLIFE

Lego Suctom Brickset Minifigure (1)

I looked it up and found the link here and here.   I noticed that they were super cheap and were pretty nice looking.  I went ahead and picked up two.  They were shipped to me pretty fast and I decided to do a quick review of them!

They cost a whopping 5 pounds each and you can choose what you want it to look like.  Head, hair and legs!  Here is the link to the announcement on brickset in April.

I ended up picking up two.  One guy and one girl!  It appears that everything other that the torso are official Lego parts, which is a nice touch.   Brickset just confirmed this below.  The printing on the torsos is very nice.

Thanks for looking

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Official Lego SDCC Marvel Captain Rogers and DC Comics Atom Minifigures and where to find them

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I started this post so we can watch the figures on eBay and see what they are selling for.  I know a lot of you are waiting to get these just like I am, so I thought I would keep track of my progress in finding these.  So here it is.

I am assuming that we will again get about 2000 of each of these figures.  That should put the selling price right at about 150 – 250 each.  It may go a little higher, but I am hoping that it settles in that range.

Here are a few search links.  The first one will work in a browser, or in the phone app.

SDCC 2016

These may need to be clicked in a browser because they are a little more complicated and the app messes them up.  However, these are a little bit better results.


See here all sdcc 2016 items, newest first.


See here all SDCC 2016 items, latest sales first.


Lego Official 2016 SDCC Exclusive Marvel Captain Rogers and DC Comics Atom Minifigures

Here are the two figures as posted by Lego.

Lego SDCC Steve Rogers Hail Hydra Captain America

Lego SDCC Atom Ray Palmer Exclusive Minifigure

Here are the first pics from SDCC that I have been able to find.  See them here.


I am currently watching eBay with the searches above and as soon as people start posting different images, we should know that they are in hand and not just pre-sales!

Thanks for looking and happy hunting.

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Lego Dimensions ET Fun Pack Official Image found

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Over on Eurobricks here.

Lego Dimensions ET Fun Pack

I also just saw this over on Brickipedia here.

Thanks for looking

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Lego Series 16 71013 Images – Box Distribution and Feel Guide

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I was able to pick these up from my local store yesterday and they are awesome as you are all aware.  Here are the images.  I was able to buy up to 32.  I ended up grabbing 29.  I picked up duplicates of the ones I really likes.  The Banana Suit Guy, Kick Boxer, Baby Sitter, Ice Princess, Mariachi Guy, Imp and Spooky Boy.  I should have grabbed more babysitters, because the baby is awesome!

One word to the wise, bring a piece of paper to check of which ones you have found.  It is difficult to keep track of all 16 by the time you are at the end.  I ended up with a few extras I did not want.

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Images

I eneded up finding them in my local area by watching eBay and seeing what towns that they showed up in.  I then started calling the Targets, Toys R Us and Lego Stores in that area.  Ultimately, I found them at the Lego store, but I heard that everyone is getting them now and they are just waiting on truck.  I heard that the Toys R Us in IL will have them on Thursday.  At least Northern IL.

Box Distribution and Feel guide

5 units per box

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Banana Guy
Just look for the banana piece. It is easy to spot.  It is long and curved.

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Banana Guy Front Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Banana Guy Back

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure 4 Bananna Suit Guys

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Arabian Knight
You will need to look for the sword hilt.  Otherwise you will mix it up with the Ice Queen.

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Arabian Knight Front Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Arabian Knight Back

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Spy
Look for the small backpack, the gun or the rope.  The rope is the bets option.

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Spy Front Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Spy Back

4 unit per box

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Serenader
Look for the guitar and the big round hat

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Mariachi Guitar Player Front Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Mariachi Guitar Player Back

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Imp
look for the short legs and the pail and the pitchfork.  Also, the wings are pretty easy to spot.

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Imp Devil Suit Child Front Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Imp Devil Suit Child Back

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Hiker
Look for the map and the backpack.  If you find both, you are good to go.

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Hiker Front Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Hiker Back

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Rogue
Look for the bow and arrow or the Quiver

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Rogue Back Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Rogue Front

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Dog Show Judge
Look for the dog or the trophy

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Dog Show Judge Back Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Dog Show Judge Front

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Spooky Boy
Look for the spider and the book

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Spooky Boy Front Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Spooky Boy Back

3 unit per box

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Babysitter
Look for the baby or the bottle

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Babysitter Front Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Babysitter Back

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Pirate
Look for the sword or the map

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Pirate FrontLego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Pirate Back

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Cyborg
Look for the shoulder pad and the gun

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Cyborg Front Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Cyborg Back

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Ice Queen
look for the Dress piece

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Ice Queen Back Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Ice Queen Front

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Penguin
Look for the short legs and confirm with the penguin head

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Penguin Suit Boy Front Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Penguin Suit Boy Back

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Kickboxer
Look for the long hair and confirm with the helmet

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Femal Kickboxer Back Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Female Kickboxer Front

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Wildlife Photographer
Look for the camera and the penguin or the hoody

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Wildlife Photographer Front Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Wildlife Photographer Back

Here are some box images as well.

Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Complete Set Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Insert Back Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Packet Lego Series 16 71013 Insert Front Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Box Back Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Box Front Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Box inside Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Box Other Side Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Box Side Lego Series 16 71013 Minifigure Box

Thanks for looking

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Exclusive Toys R Us Adventure Time Marceline Minifigure

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Very nice find over on reddit here.  It looks like on 11/18/2016 the Marceline Minifigure will be a Toys R Us exclusive!

It also looks like this toys r us has listed this on their website now.  See it here.

Lego Marceline Dimensions Fun Pack Toys R Us Exclusive Official Fun Pack Image

Thanks for looking

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