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Jason Feeney has made a small minifigure that shows the anatopy of the figure inside of the lego figure. I have seen a few of these in the past which it appears were all from his website. I posted the links below for all of the ones that I could find.

I would live to have one of these for myself. I wonder if he has considered selling these? I posted him an email, but I have not received a response yet. Also, someone posted on reddit that they are selling (the ones that are for sale) for between $1200 and $8000. So that may be a little expensive for my blood. I would really like a mass produced version of the one above.
You can see his full Gallery here.
You can also see his facebook page here.
He has some photos on his Facebook page that show some of the other figures that he is working on. I saw a He-Man figure that looked pretty neat.
Here is a person on ETSY selling a printed figure of this. It does not look nearly as good, but it is pretty neat on its own. It is currently priced for about
See it here.

Some of Freeny’s other works. This first one is really neat if you start to look at the detail. The skull and the teeth are marvelous the way that they fit inside the head. Then if you look at the hand and the detail how he made the hand bones “C” shaped to match the classic Lego minifigure hand shape.
The detail is just amazing. It looks to me like he cut one of the lego flashlight figures open and started modeling the innards out of clay. If I had any skill, I would try this at home.
After doing a little more digging, I found this on his Facebook page. He has posted a bunch of pictures on how he created this figure.
Here is a step by step picture guide of how he created the larger masterpiece. Please click on the link for the full size pictures on his website. The mini picture below will also take you there as well.
Basically, it looks like he took a lego torch figure and cut one quarter out of it. He then used 3M blue masking tape to cover up the rest of the figure.
It then looks like he built a wire frame inside of the figure to match the anatomy for the head and torso. He then made the chest and skull for the figure out of a material called Apoxie. You can pick this up here on Amazon.
Apoxie is described as a self hardening two part sculpting epoxy. It looks like it has about about a 2-3 hour working time and that it will harden overnight in about 24 hours. It also is able to be worked and sanded after it dries and it stick to just about anything. It looks to be the perfect product for this process.
It then looks like he made each of the organ separately. The ribs, the intestines etc. Then it looks like he created the arm and the leg bones on the wire frame to look like human bones. Finally, it looks like he hand painted the organs to give it a little color. The final product is spectacular. As I stated before, someone should produce this and sell about a million of these on the shelf at Target and Toys R us. Heck, it would even make a great Christmas Tree Ornament.

Here is a link to another step by step for a Mr Potato Head figure. It is really quite a process.