Exclusive Limited Edition Commander Cody Maxi Figure from 2008 Toys R Us – Only 32 Exist in the World

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I just saw this over on eBay in the UK.  Some of you may remember this from the contest that was held back in 2008 at Toys R US stores in the UK.  I believe that it may  have been in other countries, but I did not hear about any where else.  I could not find it in the US at the time.  I had almost forgotten about this until I saw this auction today.

Lego Star Wars win 1 of 12 Limited Edition Commander Cody Figures (4)

here are a few additional pictures from the auction.

Lego Star Wars win 1 of 12 Limited Edition Commander Cody Figures (8) Lego Star Wars win 1 of 12 Limited Edition Commander Cody Figures (9) Lego Star Wars win 1 of 12 Limited Edition Commander Cody Figures (10) Lego Star Wars win 1 of 12 Limited Edition Commander Cody Figures (11) Lego Star Wars win 1 of 12 Limited Edition Commander Cody Figures (12) Lego Star Wars win 1 of 12 Limited Edition Commander Cody Figures (2) Lego Star Wars win 1 of 12 Limited Edition Commander Cody Figures (5)

Here is a copy of the Entry Form as well.

Lego Star Wars win 1 of 12 Limited Edition Commander Cody Figures Entry Form Front

Lego Star Wars win 1 of 12 Limited Edition Commander Cody Figures Entry Form Back

In the flyer, it states that this figures is limited to 32 copies world wide.  So I am assuming that the other 20 were given away in other countries.  I saw over on FBTB that the stores had them on display and that they also had a parts list at the time.    You can also see the announcement on this contest over on Jedi News here.

Thanks for looking

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