First Images of the German Soccer Futbol Football Exclusive Collectible Minifigure Pack. Just the facts – Just the facts

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EDIT:  Here is reveal Video

I was notified of this by Michael over on Promobricks here.  Michael has been getting quite a bit of the scoop on these figures over the past few days.  Below is the timeline.

Lego German Soccer Futbol Football 71014 Exclusive Minifigure package Double tap

First, we were notified of the details of this minifigure series at the International Toy Fair on January 26th

Lego German Soccer Futbol Football 71014 Exclusive Minifigure package

Second, we heard that we are getting a press conference of these tomorrow on April 12 2016.  Well that was the rumor.  Here is where the online press conference is supposed to occur.

lego german soccer futbol minifigures coming in May

Third, we heard the details about the figures from a German Toy Site.  See the listing here.

ScreenHunter_926 Apr. 11 20.21

UPC: 5702015594677

Article Number: 71014

Description: LEGO 71014 – Minifigures Special 2016

Parts Number: 6

Includes a Soccer Ball, the figure and the stand.

Forth, we heard a rumor that the German Football Asssociation posted the image early?  I think it was here, but I am not sure.  I did a google search, and it looks like the image was indexed at several sites.  You can see the list here.

Lego German Soccer Futbol Football 71014 Exclusive Minifigure package

Fifth… The reveal video on 4-12-2016

sixth, the press kit as shown on promobricks

Here is a pic of the package from promobricks here.

Lego German Soccer Futbol Football 71014 Exclusive Minifigure package bags

I want the video card.  Super cool!


Finally, here is our first review of one of the figures also from promobricks…  They have more pics here.


Now I must admit, that I was not the first to think of this.  John B over on Facebook made the comment.  But how are you ever going to pick these by feel.  It looks like everyone is going to need to purchase a box of them!

Here is one more pic of the figures.

Lego German Soccer Futbol Football 71014 Exclusive Minifigure package new xx

Finally, here is a pic of the bag from over on

EDIT:  A user on Eurobricks Robert8 just posted this image here with his guesses of who the figures are.  See the Eurobricks post here.  I am not a bog enough Soccer fan to even hint at if these are correct or not.  Click on the image to see the full size over on Eurobricks.

Well maybe, we will see the image of the packet tomorrow!  LOL

Before you go.  Here are the backs and the sides of the Disney figures in case you have not seen them already!

The backs and the sides of the Disney Minifigures 71012

Thanks for looking

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