Hi Resolution Pictures of Marvel Lego Hyperion and Deep Space Iron Man Minifigures

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I was watching this video by just2good over on YouTube since I heard rumor of a Dr Strange minifigure  over on theBrickFan based on this video.  This video was mentioned over in this thread on Eurobricks here.

Here is the image that is the main image for the video from just2good over on YouTube.

As I was watching the video, it appears that the two gems in the video are the hi-resolution picture of the Hyperion Minifigure and the decent picture of the Deep Space Iron Man Minifigure from the Avenjet set.

  • at 2:52 in the video, he has a close up of the Hyperion Lego Minifigure.
  • at 3:40 in the Video, he has a hi resolution picture of Deep Space Iron Man in his Gemini suit.
  • at 0:30, he drops a hint about the upcoming Dr Strange minifigures that we will get in 2016.

Here is another Decent Picture of Deep Space Iron Man that was posted to Eurobricks here as well.

Here is a pic of Hyperion that was just posted here on Facebook by user Felix H.  It is either from the Video, or the same pic that just2Good found.

AmazingBricks also points out in Eurobricks thread that the Hyperion Minifigure has the same face as the 2016 superman.

Thanks for looking

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