Jason Freeny Anatomical Minifigures from Mighty Jaxx Toys

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EDIT:  Here are some of these for sale over on eBay.

Jacon Freeny Lego Minifigure Anatomical Full Set

I am not sure exactly how to get these yet, but it looks like these are being announced or sold at the STGCC Event this weekend.  Here are some websites to see if you can figure out more than I did.




I found this image here.


UPDATE:  I just found this one on Ebay here.

Jacon Freeny Lego Minifigure Anatomical Clear Back Jacon Freeny Lego Minifigure Anatomical Clear


I also found this other image here of another figure he is selling as well.  Here 

Please let me know if you learn how to get these.  Also, please like my page if you have not already!

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