Jason Freeny Minifig Trio Signed Sculpt Print and Two additional Figures

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A reader Sebastien P. just sent me a photo of this his collection of Jason Freeny limited edition minifigures.  He told me that the set of three limited edition minigures that are signed are limited to 50 total figures.  Jason Freeny Minifig Trio Signed Sculpt Print (3)

I could not find anything about these on the site, but I did find this link to a picture that Jason Freeny is selling of these figures.

EDIT:  Shilo Parker over on Facebook pointed me to this site that sells these.


EDIT2:  Another reader below just found the signed ones over on Freeny’s website here.  They are $120 for all 6.


Here is the back.

Jason Freeny Minifig Trio Signed Sculpt Print (1)

Thanks for looking

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