Just add Monsters Minifigures and Team GB minifigures and Mr Gold and Your Collection is Complete

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I find it very satisfying to see a full collection of minifigures all laid out in a row!

Found this over on ebay this morning.  I do not see someone giving up to often once they have gotten this far!  Wow.

Large Lego Minifig Collection Series 1-13 plus simpsons plus movie minifigures

Large Lego Minifig Collection Series 1-13 plus simpsons plus movie minifigures 2Large Lego Minifig Collection Series 1-13 plus simpsons plus movie minifigures 3 Large Lego Minifig Collection Series 1-13 plus simpsons plus movie minifigures 4 Large Lego Minifig Collection Series 1-13 plus simpsons plus movie minifigures 5 Large Lego Minifig Collection Series 1-13 plus simpsons plus movie minifigures 6 Large Lego Minifig Collection Series 1-13 plus simpsons plus movie minifigures 7 Large Lego Minifig Collection Series 1-13 plus simpsons plus movie minifigures 8

Just think, I could have saved all that work and time of collecting them myself.  🙂

Just add Mr Gold, Team GB and Monsters and you have a complet collection.

If you like minifigures as much as I do, I try to find something interesting to write about and share with you every day.  Please like my page.

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