Just when you think that Lego cannot get any better along comes Elephants and Scooby Doo

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I love it when I find some Lego elements that I either missed completely or skipped for one reason or another when they came out years ago.    These Elephants are just one of those items.    They are very detailed and they are pretty close to being minifig scale as well.

The Lego Elephants came in two different colors.  Dark Gray and Light Gray as you can see in the pictures.


Each of the colors came in one set each as shown below.  Link is to Amazon to see the set descriptions.

7418 Scorpion Palace had the light Gray Elephant

7414 Elephant Caravan for the Dark Gray Elephant

Here are all of the elephants listed over on eBay.  Scroll down to about the $50 mark.  See here.

Each included 19 pieces and was quite an interesting build.


Here are the building instructions for one of the elephants.







Thanks for looking

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