Lego 40308 Lester Minifigure Polybag from Leicester Square in London UK

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If you remember, Lester was a limited figure that we posted about here last year.  You can see a bunch of the original listings on ebay in that post.

EDIT #2:  It looks like one of these just showed up on eBay here – kind of expensive though…

Three people emailed me link to this and I poked around on Facebook this morning and found several posts of this.  It appears that the original post if from the AFOL lego facebook group here. I can not tell if it is the same exact minifigure, but it looks pretty close!  Wow, this is a pretty awesome find.

Source AFOL Facebook

It appears from the poster that you can buy them for $5.99 at the Leicester Square store in London.

Here are two more pics from over of Reddit here .  Confirmation of the $5.99 price and a bunch on the floor for sale!   The poster stated that these are from a Hong Kong Facebook group, but I cannot find the post.

Thanks for looking  – Here is the same info in German if you want to read it in German –

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