Lego Colosseum from a Motion Picture Studio

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EDIT:  Sorry, I had the wrong link in this.  I just fixed it.

Do any of you know anything about this.  I saw this looking over eBay tonight and I thought it was interesting.  Per the seller, he acquired it from a Motion Picture Studio and he has been trying to rebuild it.  It looks like someone was attempting to build it for something?  Let me know if you know anything.  This has always been on my bucket list of sets to create!

Lego Colosseum 1

I sent a question to the seller and he stated that it is from 20th Century Fox, but that he does not know anything else about it.

It looks to be a pretty large set and a good starting point for anyone trying to create this landmark!

Lego Colosseum 2

Lego Colosseum 6 Lego Colosseum 4 Lego Colosseum 5

Thanks for looking and I hope you enjoy it.

For anyone that likes this, check this out.  I just found it here on reddit.

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