Lego Freemaker Adventures Season 1 BLU-RAY to come with Exclusive Magnets not Minifigures

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What a bummer!

I just saw this posted.  I hope this is not for all of the videos!  I may have to stop buying these.  What am I going to do with 6 Exclusive Magnets!  I usually watch these movies when I pick them up for the exclusive figures but now I am not sure I will still pick them up?  Why Lego Why?

lego-star-wars-freemaker-adventures-season-one - Copy

Here is the full image of the BLU_RAY package.

lego-star-wars-freemaker-adventures-season-one - Copy (2)

Thanks for looking.  I was able to find this over on Amazon here but it has not been updated to reflect the magnets.  All we can do is hope that this a European version and not the US version.

EDIT:  After some more research, it looks like this site may be the original source of the image.  I was sent an update about a post on another site, but this appears to be the original link.    Over on

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