Lego Harry Potter 75954 Hogwarts Great Hall and other 2018 HP Minifigures

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EDIT:  It looks like we also have out first minifigures from the 75950 Aragog in the Forbidden Forest set.  Harry Potter and Ron Weasly.  It looks like we may have multiple torsos for each of these figures.  These just showed up on reddit here.

Filch here

here is Snape pre-release.  See here

Another – see here

Minerva McGonagall

I am pretty excited about these new Harry Potter Minifigures! Going to add to the collection.  Includes 10 minifigures: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Susan Bones, Professor McGonagall, Professor Quirrell with dual Lord Voldemort face, Hagrid, Albus Dumbledore and Nearly Headless Nick, plus buildable Basilisk and Fawkes creatures, and Hedwig and Scabbers figures.

If you want to see my current collection and hear me mess up more than a few names…. Here it is on youtube…


Professor Quirrell


, Hermione Granger


Ron Weasley


Professor McGonagall

Nearly Headless Nick


Harry Potter


Draco Malfoy

Susan Bones

Albus Dumbledore

ALso, we have seen a few other figures from 75951 as well.

LEGO 71022 COllectible Minifigures

  • hearing rumors that we will just have one chase figure that is only present 1 per every 4 boxes.

Harry Potter – cloak, sorting hat
Ron Weasley – cloak, frog, sweets
Hermione Granger – cloak, wand, book
James Potter – Accessory Golden Snitch, broom, Quidditch robes
Lily Potter – Accessory baby with scar on forehead
Fred Weasley – Marauder’s Map, fireworks
George Weasley
Vernon Dursley – shotgun
Petunia Dursley – Accessory letter
Dudley Dursley in Pajamas – cake, pig tail
Rolanda Hooch – broom, whistle
Bloody Baron
Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington (Nearly Headless Nick)
Gray Lady
Fat Friar
Moaning Myrtle – Accessory Tom Riddle’s diary
Sirius Black – Dog

We also have Niffler first shots from J K Rowlings Twitter feed here

Thanks for looking

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