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As you all know, I am an avid minifigure collector. Harry Potter is one of the lines that I originally passed on because I was wasting all of my funds on Lego Star Wars. However, after watching the movies, I decided that I wanted to complete the collection after all. I have been completing this on eBay and Bricklink and it has been a tough process finding some of these figures. I have had to order out of the US quite a few times!
You can see all of the Harry Potter Figures ever produced along with their current retail prices here.
You can also read a review of the Lego Hungarian Horntail here.
I recently found this set on eBay I believe that this set was released in Asia and in the year 2002. After looking at this set, I sure wish I had picked on of these up when they were released. What a great item. I do not think that I would open them up.
I have just recently come very close to completing my harry potter collection. I believe that I am still missing one now.
On top of that, I believe that people have been picking out the top 100 figures that are just Harry Potter figures and buying them as the prices appear to be climbing over the past several month. Get them while you still can. A full set will put you back $1500 to $2000. You can see all of the top 100 most expensive lego figures here.
As I have been completing my collection, I visit this eBay auction at least one a week and contemplate purchasing this set. I am not sure how much longer I can stop myself. It is very tempting!
Do any of you know more about this collection and how it was sold? How many were produced or any other details? How about any pictures of what is inside while it is being opened?
If anyone knows of a review of this set, I would live to see it.
I am also posting a few pictures of my Harry Potter Collection in progress. Can you tell which ones I am still missing? I am missing one now, but the pictures still show three missing.
I have them in my walmart staging trays until I have all of them and I can get a nice picture and put them in one of my display cabinets.
Here are a few pictures! I hope you enjoy. Ping me if you know which ones I am missing.