Lego January 2016 US Shop At Home Catalog is up on Website with 3 Page Ghostbusters Pull Out Poster

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The Lego 2016 January Catalog is up on the Shop at Home site here.  I notices a few nice pages in this catalog that make it a little special.

First of all, we get a 3-4 page Ghostbusters Pullout Poster which is really nice.   After that, we have a few nice pics and the US pricing of the Bank and the Star Wars Sets that are being released on January first.  However, the poster is the real treat!

Lego January 2016 Ghostbusters 75827 Catalog 3 Page Spread

See below for all of the pages that I thought were interesting.  You can see the full catalog on the Lego site.

Lego January 2016 Ghostbusters 75827 Catalog

6525-01-usjan_75dpi-26 Lego January 2016 Catalog Brick Bank 10251 Lego January 2016 catalog cover Lego January 2016 Catalog Star Wars 75139 and 75140 Lego January 2016 Marvel Sets Super Heores Lego January 2016 Marvel Sets Super Heroes Lego January Catalog Star Wars Sets

Thanks for looking

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