Lego Minifigures in Comics and Comic Book Covers Recreated with Lego

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I loved all of the DC and Marvel Comics that were released last year in their Lego versions.  I picked all of these up even though I am not a comic book collector any more.  I like to complete my collections and it is really impossible with comic books.  Way too many exist and all of the good ones are really expensive.

However, when these Lego comic covers came out, it was clear that I would be able to get all of them that I could have a complete set.  So I went for it and picked them all up.

I decided to make a post about Lego Comic Covers in general when I recently saw these great cover recreations over on reddit.  These are some recreations of Classic Comics Book Covers in Lego that are done really really well.

First up we have the classic Superman Action Comics #1 and Batman from Detective Comics #27.  These are iconic to just about everyone.  These images are over on imgur here.

Action Comics #1

Detective Comics #27

Next up, we have Green Lantern, Green Arrow Number 85 and Superman Number 199.  I believe that I had both of these comice growing up and that they may still be in a closet in my parent attic.  Hmmmm.  I should go dig these us.  They will probably look like crap now I bet.    The green Lantern Green Arrow Issue 85 comic is currently for sale by DTA Collectibles over on eBay.   The superman #199 is currently for sale by aces_comics over on eBay as well.

Green Lantern Green Arrow Number 85
Superman 199

Next Up, we have Batman the Killing Joke.  This is a pretty neat item from the late 1980’s.  Also, X-MEN 101, the first appearance of the Phoenix.  Not one of my favorites, but I see the history with it.

Batman The Killing Joke

Batman the Killing Joke is currently for sale by sportandcomicheroes on eBay if you are looking for one.  X-MEN 101 is also available from eBay user tomorrowstreasures

Incredible Hulk Number 181 and Wolverine Number 1 look really sharp.  Hulk 181 is currently available from eBay user isoldgrit  and wolverine #1 is available from eBay user t.koche.

Hulk 181
Wolverine #1


The Amazing Spiderman Number 3 and Spiderman No More.  Spiderman #3 is available from eBay user blazincomics.  As for the Spiderman No More cover, it appears to be based on one of the covers or lithographs from here.!/Gallery

Amazing Spiderman #3

Next up, we have a collection of Comic Book Cover “Comic Bricks” that have been displayed at a few shows over the past year or two.  I believe that this collection was showed at SDCC in 2014 and at Designer Con in 2014 as well.  I am guessing that we will see some new ones this year at SDCC.  The picture below is from Designer Con and can be found in this group.  Comic Bricks on Flickr.

Comic Bricks

I will try to add more here as I find them.  I am sure that other projects along this line exist.  I will also try to add the covers that they go with when I can find them and I have more time.

Miss Novembers, Bruce has a wet dream

Comic Bricks: Web of Spiderman #100


Comic-Brick Amazing Fantasy #15

Lego Marvel's "The Punisher" cover

Detective Comics #27


Akira 31


Holy flashlight Batman...we been spotlighted

Not Nuff said

The Invincible Iron Man 128 (Demon in a Bottle) Comic Bricks! Cover Comparison

I remember when comics were 30 cents

Number next comic brick


Invincible # 63

Amazing Spider-Man 700 Comic Bricks! Cover Comparison

Captain America by Jack Kirby Comic-Bricks #109


Here are a few prints from Legendary Comic Book Artist Neal Adams.  You can pick these up on eBay.  I believe that he also sells these at some show.  They are not quite Lego, sort of a mix between mini mates and Lego.  These are available from ebay user thecollectorguy1

Neal Adams Batman Art Print Neal Adams Signed Batman Art Print Neal Adams Superman Art Print


We cannot forget the Mad magazine Cover.  I just picked one of these up for my collection here.

Mad Magazine Lego Cover

Here are my DC Comic Lego Variant Covers

Lego DC Comics ACTION COMICS #36Lego DC Comics Sinestro #7 Lego DC Comics Supergirl #36 Lego DC Comics Superman #36 Lego DC Comics Superman Wonder Woman #13 Lego DC Comics TEEN TITANS #4 LEGO Lego DC Comics WONDER WOMAN #36 Lego DC Comics Aquaman #36 Lego DC Comics Batgirl #36 Lego DC Comics BATMAN #36 Lego DC Comics BATMAN AND ROBIN #36 Lego DC Comics BATMAN SUPERMAN #16 Lego DC Comics Catwoman #36 Lego DC Comics Detective Comics #36 Lego DC Comics FLASH #36 Lego DC Comics GRAYSON #4 Lego DC Comics Green lantern Corps #36 Lego DC Comics Harley Quinn #12 Lego DC Comics JUSTICE LEAGUE #36 Lego DC Comics Justice League Dark #36

Lego DC Comics Justice League United #6Lego DC Comics Green Lantern #36

Here are the Lego Marvel Variants from my collection as well.

Lego Marvel Comic Variant Cover Thor #14 Lego Marvel Comic Variant Cover Uncanny Avengers Vol 1 #12 Lego Marvel Comic Variant Cover Wolverine and the X-MEN #36 Lego Marvel Comic Variant Cover All New X-MEN Vol 1 #17 Lego Marvel Comic Variant Cover Avengers AI Volume 1 #4 Lego Marvel Comic Variant Cover Avengers Volumne 5 #21 Lego Marvel Comic Variant Cover Captain America Vol 7 #12 Lego Marvel Comic Variant Cover Daredevil Vol 3 #31 Lego Marvel Comic Variant Cover Fantasitic Four Vol 4 #13 Lego Marvel Comic Variant Cover Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 #7 Lego Marvel Comic Variant Cover Hawkeye #15 Lego Marvel Comic Variant Cover Indestructable Hulk Vol 1 #14 Lego Marvel Comic Variant Cover Infinity Vol 1 #3 Lego Marvel Comic Variant Cover Infinity Vol 1 #5 Lego Marvel Comic Variant Cover Iron Man Vol 5 #17 Lego Marvel Comic Variant Cover Marvel Universe- Avengers Assemble Vol 1 Lego Marvel Comic Variant Cover Mighty Avengers Vol 2 #1 Lego Marvel Comic Variant Cover New Avengers Vol 3 11 Lego Marvel Comic Variant Cover Nova Vol 5 #8 Lego Marvel Comic Variant Cover Rocket Racoon Vol 2 #1 Lego Marvel Comic Variant Cover Secret Avengers Vol 2 #10 Deadpool Lego Marvel Comic Variant Cover Superior SpiderMan Vol 1 #19

Lego in Wired Magazine.  You can read about this here.

Lego in Popular Science.  March 2015 Issue.



You may be able to find some that I missed by looking at this google search here.

Some other links as well.

The Nerdist


Lego Magazine Covers




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