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EDIT: Better pictures and all of the summer sets just posted here.
It looks like Eurobricks has found the first images of the Star Wars 75149 the Sacking of Jakku set over on Instagram. Here is the post in Eurobricks and here is the post over on Instagram.
I am not positive about the set name, but I am basing it on this instagram post here.
From everything I am reading, 75149 is supposed to be a $100 set. Also, the 442 on the piece count on this set is not real. I am hearing 700ish as the real number.
With that said, I am wondering if this is possible really 75148 as that set only $80. We originally heard about these two sets, Resistance X-Wing and Encounter on Jakku here. Either way, the set looks legit so far.
See it here. It looks like Instagram user brickalliance posted it first, but I am not sure.
I am not going to share this image here since it is not a final image and because it is blurry and becasue the piece count is incorrect, but you can see it on Instagram. We should see all of these sets in the next week or so over at the London and US toy fairs.
Thanks for looking
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