Located 3 new Lego Employee Business cards through reader feedback

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Do you know of any others?  Please let me know.

I currently have about 50 of these listed in the priceguide.  These are images that I have collected over the past few years in an attempt to learn about all of the ones that exist.  These are not my collection.  I wish they were, but as I have to assume I will be lucky to see a few of these in my life, I am limited to collection images.

Readers recently informed me of three figures that I was not previously aware of.  The first one case as part of this image from a reader Jeffery V on the AFOL Facebook group.

Lego Employee Minifigure Collection J Viens from AFOL Facebook Group

This picture has a few figures in it that I am going to need to hunt down more info on, but the one that caught my eye was the Tim Courtney Business Card below.

Lego Employee Business Card Tim Courtney Minifigure

Next up is this Camilla Bottke figure which was posted on Lego Photographers Facebook Group page.

Lego Camilla Bottke Employee Minifigure Business Card

Once I knew that this one existed, a google search turned up another image of this one here as an entry to a contest.   If you follow through to the link, you will find a few more pictures of this one.

Lego Camilla Bottke Employee Minifigure Business Card 2

Last but not least is this minifigure that a reader pointed me to on Imgur.  I had not seen this one before which surprised me since the figure has over 2 million views.  That is right, 2 million views.  Wow, I have never seen a lego related post with 2 million views.

mikkel holm

I picked up the name Mikkel Holm from this posting on reddit.  It appears that he was a Hotel Owner or Manager when Mikkel stayed at his hotel.


I am constantly making this search on eBay looking for more of these, but I only keep finding this set.

lego 850425 Business Card Holder

I think that more of these still exist and some Lego employee is sitting on a stash of these.   If anyone knows of any that I do not have listed, please let me know.  Here is a link to the list of 48 of them that I currently have listed.

Lego Employee Business Cards Collection

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