My Lego First Edition UCS Millenium Falcon Set 10179

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I originally picked this up on the day that it was released in the USA in 2007.  I had heard that they were only making 10,000 first editions of this set and I wanted to make sure that I received one.

Lego Mint in Sealed Box Ultimate Collector Series Millenium Falcon Set Number 10179 First Edition Collage

I waited up until midnight CST, but the set was not available at midnight like I had heard.  I waited a little longer and finally at about 1:15AM, Lego updated their website and boom.  I bought it.  This was the most that I ever spent on a Lego Product and if you think about it, it was a ridiculous amount of money to spend on a Lego set.

A few days later, it arrived and I sat and starred at it, trying to decide if I was going to open it.  I came double wrapped in a shipper box with another box inside of it.  The shipper box was very sturdy and they should use these for some of the other sets that they are selling now since it was so well built.

Normally, I do not buy these big sets from Shop at Home.  Instead I wait and I pick them up at a store so that I can get a perfect box for my collection.  In this case, this was not possible.  Additionally, I usually pick up two of these as well.  One to build and one to keep in my collection.  At this price point, this was not happening either.

Lego Mint in Sealed Box Ultimate Collector Series Millenium Falcon Set Number 10179 First Edition (6)

In this case, the Box arrived in Absolutely Perfect Condition.  I could not believe how well it looked!  The shipper almost arrived perfectly as well.  I must say “Well Done Lego”

Lego Mint in Sealed Box Ultimate Collector Series Millenium Falcon Set Number 10179 First Edition (8)

Lego Mint in Sealed Box Ultimate Collector Series Millenium Falcon Set Number 10179 First Edition (3)

Lego Mint in Sealed Box Ultimate Collector Series Millenium Falcon Set Number 10179 First Edition (4)

In reality, I had purchased this under fear that Lego would not release the minfigures in this set in another set.  I also thought that I would want to build it potentially, but in the end, I decided to leave it on the shelf until I saw one of these built.

Once I saw one built and how massively large it was, I decided that it was not going to fit anywhere and I left it on the shelf in storage and sort of just forgot about it.   Here it sat for almost 9 years until this weekend when I decided to pull it out and snap some pictures of it.

Here are the rest of the pictures.  I hope you enjoy.

Lego Mint in Sealed Box Ultimate Collector Series Millenium Falcon Set Number 10179 First Edition (7)

Lego Mint in Sealed Box Ultimate Collector Series Millenium Falcon Set Number 10179 First Edition (12) Lego Mint in Sealed Box Ultimate Collector Series Millenium Falcon Set Number 10179 First Edition (9)

Lego Mint in Sealed Box Ultimate Collector Series Millenium Falcon Set Number 10179 First Edition (10)

Lego Mint in Sealed Box Ultimate Collector Series Millenium Falcon Set Number 10179 First Edition (11)

Lego Mint in Sealed Box Ultimate Collector Series Millenium Falcon Set Number 10179 First Edition (13)

Lego Mint in Sealed Box Ultimate Collector Series Millenium Falcon Set Number 10179 First Edition (1)

Lego Mint in Sealed Box Ultimate Collector Series Millenium Falcon Set Number 10179 First Edition (2)

Lego Mint in Sealed Box Ultimate Collector Series Millenium Falcon Set Number 10179 First Edition (5)

I felt like I should get some enjoyment out of it since it is just sitting their.

Thanks for looking

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