NYCC Exclusive Super Hero Girls Bat Girl Revealed

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EDIT:  Lego Posted the Actual Figure to twitter today.

Lego Super Heor Girls Bat Girl NYCC Exclusive Minifigure

I posted this to my facebook page several hours ago because I was out at my son’s cross country meet.  This is super nice of Lego to give us so many reveals this week.  Please see my facebook page here for the video.  I am not positive if this is the same figure, or if it is different?  It is too hard to tell now.  We should know more later this week.

NYCC Exclusive Super Hero Girls Bat Girl (3) - Copy

According to here.

“Attending New York Comic Con? The LEGO booth will be alive with giveaways and activities. Every day of the convention, attendees with 4-day, 3-day, or Single Day Fan badges will be eligible to enter a drawing for a Batgirl minidoll at the back of Hall 1E at 12:30pm. One drawing per person per day and the prize will be awarded onsite. This sounds very much like the same process used for the San Diego Comic Con giveaways. Please note the specificity of the badge type; press, exhibitor, professional, and any other non-Fan badge types will most likely not be eligible for the giveaway. I could be wrong but those are the same restrictions that were in effect for their giveaways at San Diego Comic Con.”


here is the good part of the video…


NYCC Exclusive Super Hero Girls Bat Girl (5)

NYCC Exclusive Super Hero Girls Bat Girl (7)

Thanks for looking

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