Orange Lego Test Print Superman Minifigure is one Superrare Superman Minifigure

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This is definitely one to add to the price guide and it will probably come out near the top of the Super Hero Minifigures.  I do not know a whole lot about this figure, but the owner states that less than 5 of these exist and that they were made as a part of a test print when they were creating the Superman minifigure.

I love the stand and I believe that this guy would look great next to the other Superman minifigures in my collection.  Unlike some of the other waves of minifigures, I have seen very few test print or prototype Super Hero Minifigures hit the secondary market.  My best guess is that these have either been destroyed or highly coveted by the LEGO employees working on these projects.

Some of you will be familiar with the name on these pictures as he regularly puts up very expensive items on eBay and finds some of the best prototypes.  I would definitely check his listing whenever you get a chance.  Here are his items for sale.  I just checked and he does not have anything for sale right now, but he usually puts out a few very interesting items each year.    He also has a much better camera than I do, or at least he is more patient!

As an interesting fact, if you read this website here you will learn that the old Black and White Superman actually wore a brown suit that looks pretty orange in the pictures on the link above!  It appears that brown looked much better than blue in black and white pictures.  Here is a direct link to the original picture in case you are looking for the source.

It also looks like Superman has an orange suit here as well.

Finally, I found this orange / yellow suit Superman toy on ebay that is from the 1950’s here on ebay as well.  Not sure why this is not blue either!

 source eBay

Thanks for looking

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