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I saw one of these on eBay this morning that was complete and I started watching it to see what price it goes for!
I thought that I would pull up this old post and review it and see if it needed any information added to it. See below….
A while back in 2014 I went on a mission to find and acquire a new Lego Harry Potter Hungarian Horntail. I wanted a new copy because these are prone to breaking and they are usually missing some of the pieces. I also always try to buy new because I find myself really irritated when the used pieces that I just saved a few dollars on have a major flaw. I just ran into this issue when I received an Avatar Aang figure with a scratch on his face. I had to promptly go back to the seller and get a new one. UGHH!

According to the movies, the Horntail has the following characteristics.
- Its back end is as dangerous as its front.
- It is Native to Hungary
- It is the most dangerous dragon breed.
He is currently 52nd on my list of Top 100 Lego Minifigures. I have included certain animals in my list due to the fact that they are important to the theme and because people collect them with their minifigures. I also included Smaug and a few others. I will add the rest as time permits.
The hungarian Horntail is a dragon that was included in Lego set 4767 called Harry Potter and the Hungarian Horntail. This set (click to see) is also rather expensive due to the fact that it has Mad Eye Moody in it as an exclusive.

After a huge search, I finally found one and it is even better than I thought it would be. I am a huge collector of minifigures and this has fallen into my definition of a minifigure. It is awesome. I was also surprised to see how big it was. It will definitely not fit on my display shelf.
At the time of this post, I was also in the process of finishing up my Harry Potter Minifigure Collection as well. That is now complete if you want to see it here.

I am going to share with you my process of putting this guy together. Please let me know if you like him. If you do, I would head over to eBay or Bricklink and pick up a copy before they are all gone. They are impossible to find in any condition, but especially new.
I believe that part of the rarity of this figure is due to the fact that people were done with the Harry Potter line by the time that this set came up for sale. I think that people are ready for the Harry Potter Line again now, but they may have been saturated at that point. I guess that you can only have so many Harry Potter minifigures in your collection before they begin to get boring. I know I have been attempting to complete my collection of harry potter figures and it is silly how many exist. At least 16, but I may have lost count.
Here are all of the pieces that came with the dragon. My favorite piece is the tail. It is awesome and it is a one of a kind. The wings on this dragon are also jointed in two places that allows for the wing to turn a little, but not too much. I think it was a good design and one that they should have used on the new Smaug dragon in the Hobbit series. I think that it would have made those wings more usable for other MOC’s.

Lets start with the head. The head is ok. This would have looked much better with a brown Smaug head.

This is more fitting based on the movie dragon in my opinion. However, this was several years ago and this may have been too complicated of a design for Lego at that time.

And the tail. Nothing special in the tail yet.

This piece is awesome!

Now the hinges for the wings.

Notice the joint for articulation.

And the horns.

And Finally the wings!!!!!!

Now the talons and the fire.

and the finished product.

Thanks for looking!
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