Lego Star Wars AT-TE 75157 Images surfaced

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It looks like Promobricks found the images for this set via here.

Lego Star Wars 75157 Captain Rex's AT_TE

As we spoke last week, these are starting to show up on Amazon UK here.  See 75145

Lego Star Wars 75157 Captain Rex's AT_TE - Minifigures Lego Star Wars 75157 Captain Rex's AT_TE Set

Thanks for looking

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Rumor Mill – 71040 Disneyworlds Cinderella Castle and 10252 VW Beetle

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EDIT – here is the first box art of the 75159 Lego Death Star

See here


EDIT:  Here are the first images of the Disney Castle as well.  See here for others.

Lego 71040 Disney Castle Box Front and Back - Copy


EDIT:  First Images of Big Ben were found.  See them here.

EDIT:  Updated information.  Per CM4Sci on the same post over on EuroBricks…

“Ok, I’ve got confirmation that it’s the Cinderella one! And apparently it’s huge. Panel pieces and all.”

“Disneyworld’s Cinderella Castle.”

Additionally, here is an incomplete list of Characters….

“- New Mickey
– New Minnie with red polka dot dress
– New Daisy with darker lavender outfit
– Donald Duck
– Tinkerbell ”

Most likely Cinderella!  Here is a concept

We have been hearing a bunch of Rumors abouta VW Bettle lately and these all appear to be true.  Now yesterday, CM4Sci over on Eurobricks added another D2C set.  The Lego 71040 Disney Cinderella Castle.

I did  a quick Mock up of my thoughts on all of the confirmed rumors for this year.  These are my ideas of what these sets will probabaly look like.

Over on Eurobricks, we see quite a few potential D2C sets for the 2016 year.


The following are pretty much confirmed from good rumors from reliable sources

71040 Disneyland Cinderlla’s Castle – I am expecting (guess) 1800-2500 pieces and some (probabaly 5-6)  of the following minifigures.  Goofy, Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, Donald Duck, Tinker Bell and Cinderella.  We are also hearing standard minifigures with this set and not mini dolls like in the friends sets.  I am also expecting a US $199 – $299 price.  I think that they will want to keep this cheap enough to sell in the parks.

Lego 71040 Disney Cinderella Castle

10253 Big Ben – Most likely about 3500 – 4000 pieces and I believe that is should scale well with the London Bridge.    Rumored price is supposed to be $349

Lego 10253 Big Ben

10252 Volkswagen Beetle – probably 1200-1400 pieces and I think that it will scale more with the Ferrari and Mini and VW Van.  It should also be smoother like these and not like the prior VW Beetle.  I am thinking a surfboard or racing stripes as an accent.

Lego 10252 Volkswagen Beetle

75159 The Death Star – I think that this will be a re-do of the current set with a new set of minifigures and Disney Box Branding.

LEGO 75159 The Death Star

I am making a plug for some figures that I am looking for for a friend.  See here.

Lego Super Heores Comic Con and Toy Fair Exclusives

What we know.  These set have already been confirmed by Lego.  See Eurobricks.

10251 Brick Bank  – released

Lego 10251 Modular Bank Box

75257 Ghostbusters Firehouse HQ – released

Lego Ghostbuster 75827 Official Image Minifigures - Minifigures

75827 Lego Ghostbusters HD Minifigure Images


76052 Classic TV Series Batcave – released

Lego 76052 Offical Classic TV Series Batcave with Minifigures

75098 Assault on Hoth – Confirmed

Lego Star Wars Attack on Hoth 75098 Box Front

21128 The Village – Confirmed


What we are still waiting to hear about.  Possibly in 2017?

10254 Winter Train

????? Carousel

75144 Snowspeeder

Thanks for looking


Wanted Dead or Alive – Lego Super Hero Collection of Toy Fair and Comic Con Exclusives

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Wanted – suddenly that song by Bon Jovi is stuck in my  head.  Hope you also experience this frustration.

Everyone, I have been contacted by a friend of mine that has decided that he is going to start collection Lego DC and Marvel Super Hero Minifigures.  He is looking for a complete set, but would also like to hear about any partial sets that have the Comic Con and Toy Fair Exclusives included in them.

Lego Super Heores Comic Con and Toy Fair Exclusives

To be specific, he is looking for any collections that have the figures shown above in them.  So do not be shy.  For all of the figures above, the cards and the packages will be needed.  For the New York Toy Fair Iron Man and Captain America figures, ones without the Lanyard or Entry card or bag will be considered, but those with it will be preferred.

If you have any sets of these and you have decided that it is time to liquidate your collection, my friend is looking for a set.  He is just looking for one set, but I will forward all of your requests to him.  Please email me at and I will forward the request to him.

He will them reach out to you to inquire about the details.  I have recently been helping him with his collection and I can vouch for his seriousness in this matter.

If you have not seen these figures before, here are all of the ones listed over on ebay currently.

Thanks for looking and good luck!

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Lego Minifigure Display Case – Does anyone know where to get this

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EDIT:  These were create by Jeff Wang.  He can be contacted at or on his Facebook page here.  He also sent me a few additional pictures which I put below.  He said that they are currently made in Taiwan right now.    

I just saw this one over on a Facebook Group – here and I said hey, I want one of those.  Does anyone know where this case originates from?  I have been trying to translate the post but I am not able to.  I believe it originates in Taiwan, but I am not sure.  I have been looking around everywhere, but I cannot find anyone listing these.

I am pretty sure that I need about 6 of these and some LED lighting.  🙂

Lego Minifigure DIsplay Case with Dust Door (3)

If you look at the picture below, you can see that the display case has large minifigure areas and a acrylic dust door that opens from the front.  This is one of the nicer ones that I have seen.

Lego Minifigure DIsplay Case with Dust Door (3) - Copy

EDIT:  Additional Pictures.

Lego Minifigure Dssplay Case with Dust Door Front Lego Minifigure Dssplay Case with Dust Door Side

I have an extra special attachment to this case as I have been attempting to build some of these for quite some time.  Notice my home depot acrylic front on the case.  🙂  I can especially appreciate the stand on the bottom as mine has fallen over.  Quite a mess that makes.

Lego Build Display Case

Here is a pic from the side.

Lego Build Display Case (1)


Thanks and let me know via message of a comment below.

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Lego 21128 The Village Large Minecraft Set Officially Revealed

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This is everywhere this morning.  I thought I would post the minifigures!  Wow, this set looks great.

Lego 21128 The Village Official Reveal (7)

Thanks for looking.  Minifigures and box art are below.

Lego 21128 The Village Official Reveal (8) Lego 21128 The Village Official Reveal (9)

Lego 21128 The Village Official Reveal (7)

Lego 21128 The Village Official Reveal Iron Golem Lego 21128 The Village Official Reveal Pig and Baby Pig

Lego 21128 The Village Official Reveal Steve)

Lego 21128 The Village Official Reveal Villager 2

Lego 21128 The Village Official Reveal Villager

Lego 21128 The Village Official Reveal Zombie Villager


Lego 21128 The Village Official Reveal Alex

Lego 21128 The Village Official Reveal Creeper

Lego 21128 The Village Official Reveal Enderman


Lego 21128 The Village Official Reveal (10)


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Lego 71014 Soccer FIgures Posted up on eBay

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See it here.

Lego German Soccer Futbol Football 71014 Exclusive Minifigure package - Insert

Good Luck

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Custom Lego White House with over 14000 pieces

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I found this build on the internet last week and I thought it was really amazing.  It is a virtual build and it is very realistic.  It has over 14000 pieces and it really does the White House Justice.  Per the listing, it is over 45 inches wide.  Wow!  Could you imagine the Bricklink order that this will involve!

Lego White House Custom Build

This build was listed in the eBay store Madeofbrick  He has quite a few other models to look at.  I would really like to see this one built if anyone has ever built one, drop me a line and I will post an image of it!  It is really fun to look at.

At over 45 inches wide, this would make one heck of a doll house!

THE WHITE HOUSE 6 solo para render

Source eBay

he has quite a few other pictures over on ebay

Thanks for looking.

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