Two new 19 Inch NBA Basketball Maxi-Figures found – Memphis Grizzlies and Milwaukee Bucks

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I do not collect these, but I have been trying to amass a full list of all of these that were ever produced.  I find them very entertaining and interesting.  You can see the full list here minus a few recent finds.

The eBay auction for these states 18 inch tall figures, but I am betting that these are the standard 18 inch tall figures.  One thing that I see as interesting is that the face printing and the torso printing appear to be stickers and not printing.   I was not aware of this earlier.  Click on either picture below to see the auction and the details of the figures.  here and here

LEGO NBA Minifigure Display 18 inch Toni Kukoc Milwaukee Bucks LEGO NBA Minifigure Display 18 inch Pau Gasol Memphis Grizzlies

Per the auction, they said

Only TWO made. One displayed at Toys R Us Times Square, the other at the NBA Store in NYC”

Pretty unique item that you do not see every day.

Thanks for looking

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Lego Chrome Gold c-3po Star Wars 30th Anniversary Minifigure Two Variant Versions

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A reader posted on my Facebook page today that two different Prints of the Lego Star Wars Chrome Gold C-3PO minifigure exist.  I had never noticed this before, but as soon as he sent me a picture and an explanation, I was able to verify that multiple versions do appear to exist.  The reader Bryan Kan is a very well known Lego Star Wars collector in Australia and he was able to provide a picture of both figures side by side so that it was clear and apparant what the differences are.

Lego Chrome Gold c-3po Star Wars 30th Anniversary Edition Dark Print European variety and Light Print US variety

Bryan Kan stated the following.

“To my knowledge the one on the left is the European/Australian version while the one on the right was from US/Canada. The white polybags are identical.”

From my research tonight on google and in my past saved pictures, it does appears that the European version is the darker one.  It is also apparent from every picture that I can find of the 1/100 limited carded prize that was awarded in Australia is also of the darker variety.

Here is an eBay auction with the Darker Variety.  This sold a while ago, but it will give you an idea.

Lego Chrome Gold c-3po Star Wars 30th Anniversary Limited Edition Australia Carded Edition 2

And here is an eBay auction with the lighter Variety.  Again, this one also sold a while ago as well.

Lego Chrome Gold c-3po Star Wars 30th Anniversary  Light Print US variety

You can also see both of these figures on the top 100 list here and here.


Lego Chrome Gold c-3po Star Wars 30th Anniversary  Light Print US variety

here also via Bricklink.


Lego Chrome Gold c-3po Star Wars 30th Anniversary Limited Edition Australia Carded Edition 2

I dug in my collection and found mine and I definitely have the one on the right.  Without the darker lines.  Just for the record, it is practically impossible with my Camera to take a picture of these Chrome figures.

I will be adding this variant to the Top 100 list tonight.  I believe that the value is the same, it just appears that some were printed different that others.  This is very similar to the smooth hair Leia variant.

Thanks for looking.


Lego 30448 Spider-Man vs The Venom Symbiote Polybag review and Instructions

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These have been showing up on eBay and I received one that I ordered last week today.  I decided I should do a review.  Let me know what you think of the set!

Lego 30448 Spider-Man vs The Venom Symbiote Polybag review and Instructions

Here is a video of the review and build.  This is a pretty good display piece!

Here are some pictures of the instructions and the final build.  I picked this set up on eBay last week from someone in Florida that picked it up at LegoLand.  See here or click on the first image below.

Lego 30448 Spider Man v Symbiote Venom Minifigure Front

Lego 30448 Spider Man v Symbiote Venom Minifigure Back

Lego 30448 Spider Man v Symbiote Venom Minifigure Instructions Page 1

Lego 30448 Spider Man v Symbiote Venom Minifigure Instructions Page 2

Lego 30448 Spider Man v Symbiote Venom Minifigure Polybag Review

Thanks for looking

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Lego Series 15 Unique Identification Codes on the Instructions and my thoughts on Series 15

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I saw a post about this yesterday in Lego Minifigure Fanatics regarding the number that is on each of the instructions leaflets included with these figures.  I am not talking about the online game code, but rather a number from 1-32 that is included on each of the instruction books that come with the minifigures.  The number is in the upper right hand corner of each instruction booklet.

Lego 71011 Series 15 Collectible Minifigures Unique Identification Numbers

I have a interesting story about the series 15 figures that I will share below, but when I saw this post, I had not yet opened this set of figures yet, but I had them in a box under my desk.  So this morning, I pulled them out and started to open them all up.  Now I have about 25 figures, so I figured I had a good test bed to decide if the numbers were consistent.

So I opened up all of the figures and I was able to determine that each figure has a unique number and that the numbers are at least consistent in the US as the numbers were identical and I picked up the duplicates for these figures at multiple different stores.

I started poking around and I could only find a few images on the internet of any of the numbers on instructions and  most of them matched what I had found in the picture above and the ones below.  However, this one pic over here has a 14 on it.   But it is also written in German as well.  So maybe that is why it is different?  It is also definitely a different pamphlet than the one that came in my figures.

So before my thought, I will tell you my story about collecting these figures.

I usually just go to ebay and pay $65 including shipping for these figures.    The reason for this is simple.  when I go to the store, it takes me forever to figure out which figure is in each bag and they are always picked over.  I also end up getting extra copies of some of the figures that I do not need and it takes forever.   Did I mention that?

So as per the norm, I went on to ebay a few weeks ago and they prices were crazy.  So I figured I would just wait a little longer., but they just were not showing up at reasonable prices.  Well, last week I found myself at the NorthBrook Illinois Lego store at lunch and I was the only customer at the store.  I had gone to the mall with a co-worked and they were picking up their glasses.  And I had a bunch of time.

I eventually saw the Series 15 figures and a box of packets.  I asked the clerk if they had been picked over and he assured me that they had already been picked over.  In fact, he went so far as to say that they were the what was left of a few boxes of figures, so my hopes were pretty low.

The funny part was that he stood their and helped me pick out the figures.  In the end, we were able to find one complete set in the box and I was able to get two Ballerinas.  They funny part was that I actually found a shark.  Those are impossible to find anywhere!

Finally, one thing that I notices is that the figures are easier to figure out when you have a set on display like they do in the Lego store.

Here are the individual figures with the codes.

Lego 71011 Series 15 Collectible Minifigure Number 32 Farmer

really hard to find and striped arms.  Multicolored legs.

Lego 71011 Series 15 Collectible Minifigure Number 31 Janitor

My mop stuck just fine on both of the figures that I picked up.  I have heard people complaining about this.  Multi colored arms.

Lego 71011 Series 15 Collectible Minifigure Number 30 Laser Mech

blue hands! and a soft sword.

Lego 71011 Series 15 Collectible Minifigure Number 29 Astronaut

Nice figure, but nothing special.

Lego 71011 Series 15 Collectible Minifigure Number 28 Kendo Fighter

Where am I goign to store these swords.  They hide the mask.

Lego 71011 Series 15 Collectible Minifigure Number 27 Clumsy Guy

Multi colored arms and one multi colored leg.  This may be a first.Lego 71011 Series 15 Collectible Minifigure Number 26 Shark Suit Guy

Get as many as you can of this figure.  An army of Shark Men!

Lego 71011 Series 15 Collectible Minifigure Number 25 Wrestling Champion

Nothing Special

Lego 71011 Series 15 Collectible Minifigure Number 24 Frightning Knight

The printing on this guy is superb!

Lego 71011 Series 15 Collectible Minifigure Number 23 Faun

The legs and that hair piece.  This will be a favorite.Lego 71011 Series 15 Collectible Minifigure Number 22 Flying Warrior

Definitely a keeper.  My figure matched in color pretty well.

Lego 71011 Series 15 Collectible Minifigure Number 21 Ballerina

Go buy all of the Ballerinas.  This is the best girl figure that I have ever seen lego produce.

Lego 71011 Series 15 Collectible Minifigure Number 20 Tribal Woman

I was a little dissapointed in the baby.  I am looking forward to the new one.

Lego 71011 Series 15 Collectible Minifigure Number 19 Jewel Thief

Waste of a figure.  Unless I need a new fave on Cat Woman.

Lego 71011 Series 15 Collectible Minifigure Number 18 Animal Control

The skunk and the net are awesome.

Lego 71011 Series 15 Collectible Minifigure Number 17 Queen

I absolutely love the Queen.

Thanks for looking

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Lego Star Wars Collection of 537 Unique Figures

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This is one of the larger collections that I have found on eBay and it contains 537 unique figures including some additional duplicates.  The seller has a complete listing on his eBay auction.  I did not figure out the prices of all of these figures or verify the collection but it looks like this seller loved this collection and has spent some time accumulating it. I hope you enjoy looking at this.

Large Star Wars Collection of 537 Unique Figures

This is an interesting day of finds on eBay.  I also just found a seller getting rid of his complete collection of Harry Potter Sets as well!  That is a ten year investment in time as well.

Lego complete Collection of all Harry Potter Sets Adult owned

Thanks for looking

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Complete Collection of Lego Harry Potter Sets – How much space do you have?

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While doing my weekly browsing of Lego on eBay, I came across this alleged complete collection of all Harry Potter Sets from an adult collector.  I was amazed at just how much space that it requires to display this full collection.

I cannot verify this, but the collection does look complete.  I guess that this is one way to get a full set of the minifigures.  🙂

Lego complete Collection of all Harry Potter Sets Adult owned

The auction states that these sets were all adult owned and that they come with the boxes?

Thanks for looking

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Lego April 2016 Calendar Confirms the Mr Freeze Polybag and Marble Maze Pictures

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You can see the Calendar here.  Lego has uploaded it to their website for your viewing pleasure.

Lego April 2016 Calendar Mr Freeze and Marble Maze

This confirms that we will get the Mr Freeze Ploybag that we have been seeing at the toy fair as a freebie with any $75.00 purchase.  We had previously seen this over on ebay for a high price as well.

Lego Marbel Maze Lego Mr Freeze Free with $75 Purchase

Lego April 2016 Calendar Page 1

We will see Angry Birds sets on April First.

On April 11-15, the stores will be having some sort of Marble Maze competition.

And finally a bubmle bee mini build as well.

Lego April 2016 Calendar Page 2


Thanks for looking

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