Lego World 2012 Minifigure and Minifigure Blister Pack

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Facebook user Jung Won Yoon recently sent me some picture of his collection and I must say I was floored by some of the figures that he has that I had not seen before.  I have waited to post these figures for a little while for two reasons.

  • I wanted to try to learn a little more about the figures
  • I wanted to pick up my copy from Bricklink before they all are purchased as this is starting to happen sometimes when I post these obscure figures.

I believe that this figure was a giveaway to registered attendants or booth renters at Lego World in 2012.  I am not positive, so if someone was there and knows better, please let me know.

12200856_10153735701113256_130768856_n (1)

Also, I believe they the figures inside the bag were random except for the torso.  So the torso is the only unique and hard to find item.  You can still pick these up on Bricklink here.

I do not have the blister pack, but it looks like it would be a really neat piece to have in your collection.

Thanks for looking

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January 2016 Calendar online and info about the February Calendar as well.

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Lego has posted the January 2016 Calendar online on their website here.

Lego January 2016 Store Calendar

Here is the back.

Lego January 2016 Store Calendar Back

Also, over on, he has posted a copy of the February 2016 calendar as well.  Of notice on this is the fact that on February 17-29th, VIP members get early access to an Exclusive Lego Set.  Hoth Bricks and are here and here that this may be one of the UCS sets that we will be getting soon.  Promobricks is speculating the 75098 Hoth Base.  They also give these other options as well.

You can choose from LEGO® Star Wars ™ Assault on Hoth (75098), the LEGO® Star Wars ™ Death Star / Starkiller Base (75159) and the LEGO® Star Wars ™ Snowspeeder (75144).

 Via theBrickFan

Hoth Bricks Article here.  Hoth Bricks is also reporting that the French Lego Shop at home site is giving an extra 100 VIP points for purchase of the Lego Detective Office.  Here it is on the US site, but no extra points here.   Just in France.  I am wondering if we will get this bonus soon?

lego 10246 detective office

Thanks for looking

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Lego 75827 Ghostbusters Firehouse Headquarters Designer Video released

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 This was just posted here to the Lego Facebook page.  I think that these are always fun to watch.

This set went on sale today at Lego Shop at Home site.  Click on the link or image below to see it.

Lego 75827 Ghostbuster Firehouse Headquarters $349.00 US

Lego Ghostbusters Headquarters 75827

Lego Ghostbusters Headquarters 75827 Front

Thanks for looking

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You can Now pick up the 2016 Brick Bank and Ghostbuster HQ and some Star Wars and SuperHeroes Sets – They are available now

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EDIT:  These are all available now.  Most of them are also on Amazon as well here.  I have added the links were relevant for Amazon as well.  Obviously the Bank and the Ghostbusters HQ will not be on Amazon yet.

They have some other ones available, but this is the short list of the most anticipated sets that will be released at Midnight on December 31st 2015.  Or basically January First.  I believe if memory strikes me correct, that these sets will be available for order at 12:00 PM Midnight EST.  So 11:00 PM CST etc.  The Brick Bank is probably the most anticipated and then The Ghostbuster Firehouse Headquarters.

Lego Sets Available January 1 2016

Here are the direct links to each of the sets.

Lego 75827 Ghostbuster Firehouse Headquarters $349.00 US

Lego Ghostbusters Headquarters 75827

Lego Ghostbusters Headquarters 75827 Front

Lego 10251 Brick Bank – $169.00 US

Lego Modular Brick Bank 10251

Lego 75139 Battle on Takadana $59.00 US  Also here on Amazon as well.

Lego Star Wars 75139 Battle on Takodana

Lego 75140 Resistance Troop Transporter $69.00 US  – Also here on Amazon as well.

Lego Star Wars Resistance Troop Transporter 75140

These three are available at Amazon.  The DC sets are not yet on the Lego site.

Lego 76045 Kryptonite Interception $29.99 US

Lego 76045 DC SuperHoroes Kryptonite Interception

Lego 76044 Clash of the Heroes $12.99 US

Lego DC Superheroes 76044 Clash of Heores

Lego 76046 Sky High Battle $59.99 US

Lego DC Superheroes Sky High Battle

Lego 76049 Avenjet Space Mission $59.99 US

Also on Amazon as well.

Lego Marvel SuperHeroes 76049 Avenjet Space Mission

Lego 76048 Iron Skull Sub Attack $29.99 US

This one is also available at Amazon as well.

Lego Marvel SuperHeroes Iron Skull Sub Attack 76048

Thanks for looking

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Another Angry Birds Full Minifigure Set Posted over at Eurobricks

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CM4Sci just posted this pic over on Eurobricks from a store in Hong Kong.  They are stating that this is about $60 US dollars.

They also have the projected prices on the Angry Birds sets as well if you want to go take a look.

You can see everything that I know about the Angry Birds sets here.

For those of you that do not know, tonight is when we can all go get the new sets on

Here is a list of the most sought after sets that are being released tonight at 12:00 EST.

Lego Sets Available January 1 2016

Thanks for looking

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Lego Mr Gold Number 4912 over on Ebay for $1200

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I just saw this over on eBay and I thought I would post it to see if anyone is interested.

Lego Mr Gold Number 4912b

Thanks for looking

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All sorts of fun Rare Minifigures Lego Nasa Minifigure and GBC Minifigure and More Lego Employee Minifigures

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This is really an exciting find, so I ended up staying up  extra late tonight to get the changes for this completed.  I do not think I have seen a collection this large since Lluis Gilbert sent me pictures of his collection!

Back on Novemebr 1st, I noticed this post on Facebook by Marc-Andre Bazergui aka bazmarc of some of his “Special Minifigures” on his FaceBook page.  bazmarc entitle this image “LinkedIn LEGO style” and I really thought how fitting that the title was and how much fun it must be to go to these conferences and collect all of these.  This is probably years of collecting!

Lego Employee Minifigures Linkedin Style from Marc-Andre Bazergui aka bazmarc

I reached out to Marc-Andre about this photo and he was kind enough to provide me some better pictures of the figures that he had that I had never seen before.  I will add those pictures below.

Marc also suggested that the employee list would make more sense if the figures did not have a price attached to them since they cannot be bought.  I thought that was a great idea and I changed the program that creates these lists to just put “NOT SOLD ANYWHERE” on these figures.  I also removed the price charts for these figures as well.

This change really makes more sense since no one ever sells these figures and they are usually passed between business partners and friends at conventions and other AFOL event.  I had originally attached an arbitrary price to these figures that did not have any sales history since these are never on eBay or Bricklink.

I have added the five figures to the list of Employee figures here.

Of obvious note are the employee minifigures that are always rare and difficult to find all of the unique figures.  But he also has a few gems in this collection that I have never seen before.

Lego Great Ball Contraption Minifigure provided to him by Maico Arts.  I have never seen this one.

Lego GBC Great Ball Contraption Minifigure

Lego Nasa Minifigure.  I cannot find anything about this one online, but I seem to remember seeing this one posted once before.  I will need to ask about the orgin of this one.

Lego Nasa Logo Minifigure

Lego User Group Ambassador Minifigure.

Lego User Group Ambassador Minifigure

Next up we have a Lego Idea House Minifigure.  These are really tough to come by.

Lego Idea House Minifigure

Finally, we have the 5 new Employee Business card figures that I did not have on the list already.

Lego Employee Business Card Minifigure Thomas Kirk Kristiansen Lego Employee Business Card Minifigure Camilla Bottke Lego Employee Business Card Minifigure Henrik V. Hougaard Lego Employee Business Card Minifigure Jesper B. Jensen Lego Employee Business Card Minifigure Mette H. Larsen-Ledet Lego Employee Business Card Minifigure Steen V. Lund

I see a few other gems in the background in the original image that I will need to look into later.   I am going to go to bed now!

For those of you that do not know, tonight is when we can all go get the new sets on

Here is a list of the most sought after sets that are being released tonight at 12:00 EST.

Lego Sets Available January 1 2016

Thanks for looking

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