More Micro Racer Minifigures located on Mexican Facebook Page.

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Earlier, we saw a few of these figures over on Luiggi’s photostream here.  You can see his Flickr Page here.  He had Hulk, Spiderman and the Green Goblin.  Now I just found Captain Cold, The Flash, Captain America and Red Skull over on Mercadito lego here.  I am guessing that these are from a Mexican Factory somewhere as you can buy them now on that site.  🙂

Lego DC and Marvel Mighty Micro Minifigures 76063 76065

Here are the individual figures from the Facebook page

This photo of Harley Quinn was also on this site, but I was not able to locate it again.  I remember seeing it a few days ago.  I will need to look again, but BrickLeaks just found it.  Here it is.  They must have added this again!

Here are the other ones that we saw from Luiggi.

For those of you that do not know, tonight is when we can all go get the new sets on

Here is a list of the most sought after sets that are being released tonight at 12:00 EST.

Lego Sets Available January 1 2016

Finally, you can see the sets that they are coming in here.

Lego DC and Marvel Super Heroes Mighty Micros Set Images 76061 76062 76063 76064 76065

I actually purchased some figures from Mexico a few months ago and the figures went through customs are we opened and stamped that they were searched by the DEA.   How funny is that.  My family was like what are you buying?  I cannot  imagine what the post office thought.  lol

Thanks for looking

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Lego Star Wars The Force Awakens 5004406 First Order General Polybag over On Hong Kong Toys R uS site

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EDIT:  Brickset just posted a HI Res image of this set here.  Here is the set info as well.  This leads me to believe that he has had this one for a while.

Just noticed this over on the Toys R Us site in Hong Kong.  This give us out first look at what the First Order General Exclusive Polybag minifgure will look like.  the picture is a little fuzzy, but we can get a general idea now and we know it is real.  This figure was first found over on the Brickset website earlier this month here on December 14th.


Thanks for looking.  It looks very similiar to the General Hux figure that we already have in set 75104 Kylo Ren’s Command Shuttle.  Here is the Flyer.    Here is the URL.


Per the flyer, this will be free to the first 200 customers with a $1200 HK dollars purchase on January 3rd!  Go get in line.  This means we should see this figure in the wild very soon!

Here is the Current General Hux from the Bricklink page.

It looks like the printing may be a little different and he may or may not have the star on the helmet.  It is a little too fuzzy to make out.  Over on theBrickFan, he mentioned that he believe it may be missing the sideburns.    Over on Eurobricks here, AmazingBricks is saying that this may not be General Hux, but rather aFIrst Order Soldier of some sort?  Either way, it looks to be a new minifigure.  🙂


In other news, I just found this Indonesia Comic Con Zebra Batman Minifigure here.

Thanks for looking

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Two new Summer Star Wars Sets Encounter on Jakku and Resistance X-wing 2016

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Just2Good is reporting on a few upcoming sets in his latest video.  Two in particular are Encounter on Jakku and a larger scale Resistance X-wing fighter.  We should start to see what these sets look like at the London Toy Fair next month I hope.

NRG on Eurobricks summed up the 2016 rumors so far here.

Lego Star Wars 2016 Resistance x-wing fighter

“Polybag sets: Kylo Ren’s Command Shuttle, First Order General, Stormtrooper Finn
Normal sets: Encounter on Jakku, Resistance X-Wing, Anakin’s Podracer, Turbo Tank, A-Wing
UCS sets: Assault on Hoth, Death Star (or Star Killer), Snowspeeder”

I imagine that the resistance X-Wing fighter will be a Blue and Grey themed version of Poe’s X-Wing fighter that we received earlier this year.

Brickset is also confirming that he has these names as well.  So these sound pretty solid.

Other news today…

For those of you that do not know, tonight is when we can all go get the new sets on

Here is a list of the most sought after sets that are being released tonight at 12:00 EST.

Lego Sets Available January 1 2016

Bandai is going to release clone Dragon Ball Z minifigures.  See it here.

Lego Knock Off Dragon Ball Z minifigures figures from Bandai in March 2016 (4)

I found a few additional Lego Employee Minifigures.  See it here.

Lego Employee Business Cards Cake in Milk Flickr Account Picture

Russion Lego Commercials posted to the Lego Russian YouTube channel

Lego The FOrce Awakens Star Wars 2016 Russian YouTube Video

Thanks for looking and I hope you enjoy the video.

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Lego Knock Off Dragon Ball Z minifigures figures from Bandai in March 2016

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It looks like Bandai is getting on the bandwagon and it going to make a run at some of the minifigure market in 2016.  These are going to be produced outside of the US from what I am reading and only sold in Japan?  So you will need to hunt these down on eBay if you are interested.

Toy Ark is reporting that these will be available in March of 2016.

Lego Knock Off Dragon Ball Z minifigures figures from Bandai in March 2016 (4)

I saw these over on ToyArk here and Bricks And Blocks here.  Both of these sites have more details on these figures.  They are expected to be about $4.00 each.

Lego Knock Off Dragon Ball Z minifigures figures from Bandai in March 2016 (1) Lego Knock Off Dragon Ball Z minifigures figures from Bandai in March 2016 (2) Lego Knock Off Dragon Ball Z minifigures figures from Bandai in March 2016 (3)

I also found this here on  They appear to have the announcement sheet from Bandai posted as well.  See it here.

Thanks for looking

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Found a few more Lego Employee Minifigure Business Cards over on Flickr – post if you have any?

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I just found these over on CakeinMilk Flickr account.  He has a couple that I do not yet have in my Price Guide.  I have found a bunch of these lateley, so I am starting to wonder if they are suing these again, or if they never stopped using them at all.

In particular, I do not have Sanne Dollerup Lage.  So she will need to be added to the list here.  It is currently sitting at about 50 and I have a few more to add.

Lego Employee Business Cards Cake in Milk Flickr Account Picture

Comment below if you have any of these that you would like to share, or if you know of any others.  Just an FYI, the price on these is rather subjective as no one ever sells these guys, they are just given away at shows.  I have only ever seen a few of these sold or traded.  Mostly just given away at shows.

cakeinmilk has another interesting photo of the Doctor Who minifigures in the lego Dimensions game.  I really want to know when we are going to start getting more of these characters?  You can see the larger pic of these here.

This mimics the image that Lego posted a few months ago to their Facebook page.  We saw this earlier here.

Thanks for looking

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Lego Star Wars 2016 The Force Awakens Commercials Posted to Russian YouTube Channel

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These videos were just posted to the Russian Youtube channel yesterday.  I am pretty sure we will see English equivalents soon, but I thought that they were worth the watch and I would share then with you.  I have not seen these anywhere else yet.

It looks like we have two sets in the review and some additional shots of the minifigures.  The second video has two of the micro fighter sets as well.

Lego The FOrce Awakens Star Wars 2016 Russian YouTube Video

Thanks for looking

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Lego Batman Tumbler Retiring Soon

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This is sold out in AUS and the UK I am hearing.

It must not be a great seller with the target audience.  I thought this one would stick around a little longer.  I have mine sitting in the box and I never built it.  I just bought the minifigures off of eBay so that I did not have to part out the set.  You can see it on the Lego site here.

These two figures are exclusive to this set and have been sitting in the top 100 list since they were released.  See here.

Lego The Tumbler 76023 Box Art Minifigures

Lego The Tumbler 76023 Box Art - Copy

Lego The Tumbler 76023 Box Art Set


Thanks for looking

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