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BrickHeroes just posted pictures of one that it looks like they have gotten their hands on finally. They do not appear to have any additional information, but you can read what they have here. They claim that it is official from the Lego Factory. I like the new figure. What do you think? You can see all of the info that I was able to find on this figure below. You can see additional images on the BrickHeroes site by clicking on the image below.

I have seen a few of thee pop up on Facebook over the past few weeks and everyone claims that they are real. A few readers also emailed me a picture of this figure as well, but I was not originally sure where the picture came from. I was also sitting on this, because I did not want to post it if it was a fake. However, now with the BrickHeroes posting, I believe it to be real. I did a little more research and it looks like the picture came from this auction here from Ireland. The BrickHeroes pictures below are much better, but this helps to add some additional validity.

However, once thing this auction did add is this picture from the Lego Batman game. See here. Additionally, one of the images that I received via email came from someone that has aquired minifigures from the Lego Mexico Factory a few times in the past. So it is possible that this came from the Lego Mexico production facility? This is just a hypothesis.

What do you think? A bunch of chatter going back and forth over on Eurobricks here. Some people are saying real and some are saying fake. What do you think?
Here is another one that I was just notified about as well.
I was just notified of this Batman here. From Brick Time Magazine.

The main argument against it is that the torso is a reprint of this torso from 2008 from an original batman figure. Pic from Bricklink

From this figure.

The other argument is that it is using the old cowl as well. Both valid Arguments. However, BrickHeroes is claiming that it is real Lego.
I found this custom one over on ebay. But no real ones. And this one does not have wings either. I also could not find any of these either.

I just saw this post over at BrickFinder here. Boy facebook really makes it hard to embed images.

Here are linkgs to the BrickHeroes Images. Click on either of these to go to the BrickHeroes site.

Here it is with the two sets of wings. Click on either of the images to see the article with additional images.

Thanks for looking. I have to assume that these go with the B Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice movie that was delayed to next year or possibly the Lego Batman 3 Game?
We are over 200 Super Heroes minifigures now! Close to 300 if you include Batmand and Spiderman.
Just heard about Buccaneer Batman as well. See more info here.

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