Lego Big E Minifigure Finally Found

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I have been looking for one of these for a few months and one just posted up on eBay and I snatched it up immediately.  I think that this is a pretty sweet looking figure.  Very classic Lego Looking with the flair of being a promotional and rare figure at the same time.  I was pretty excited to finally find one.  I do not have this one in the priceguide yet and I do not believe that Bricklink has it listed either.

Lego Big E 2010 Minifigure Back

This figure has black legs, a yellow torso and a freckled face with a red baseball cap.  The torso has a big Lego Logo on the back as well as The Big E Logo on the front!  The figure is as you can tell from 2010 and I am not sure, but I do not think that they produced very many of these.  I have been looking for a little while and this is the first one that I have found.

The seller that I bought this off of said that he has one more and he has since listed it on eBay as well here.  I imigane that this figure will last until one of you decide to add it to your collection.  🙂

Lego Big E 2010 Minifigure Front 2

I also recently posted about this Lego Promotional Duplo Brick from the Big E as well a few weeks ago.  This one is from 2012.  I still do not have this one, so please let me know if you have one that you are looking to get rid of.

lego Big E 2012 Promotional Brick

The Big E appears to be a State Fair for 6 New England States all at once.  You can read a little more about it here if you are interested.

Thanks for looking.  If you like this kind of information and new, please like my Facebook page.

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Lego Ideas Dr Who Set Officially revealed Set Number 21304

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It looks like we have two sources for this set.  It was revealed earlier today on HothBricks here and PromoBricks here.  And now it has been revealed over on the Lego Ideas Blog here as well.  It looks like we are going to get 4 minifigures and two Daleks.  I am sure that we will be seeing more figures coming soon, but this is a start.

Lego Dr Who 21304 Ideas Official Reveal

We can add these to the other Dr Who Characters that we have already seen in the Lego Dimensions Video game for a total of 7 Lego Dr Who Minifigures so far.  This is a far cry from what I think that we will eventually see in the long run.  But it is a start.

Here are a few more images of the set.

The back of the box.

Lego Dr Who 21304 Ideas Official Reveal back


A few pictures of the inside.

Lego Dr Who 21304 Ideas Official Reveal Minifigures image 2

Lego Dr Who 21304 Ideas Official Reveal Minifigures image


And an additional picture of some of the other minifigures.

Lego Dr Who 21304 Ideas Official Reveal Minifigures

Here is a video detailing what is actually inside of the set.

Last but not least, here is the image from the French Catalog from the PromoBricks 

Finally, here are the other figures that are getting with the Lego Dimensions sets.

lego dimensions DC Cyborg Fun Pack 71210lego dimensions Dr Who Level Pack 71204lego dimensions Dr Who Fun Pack 71238lego dimensions Dr Who Level Pack 71204


These are some of the 21 new figures that we are getting as part of the Lego Dimensions set!ScreenHunter_526 Sep. 28 08.14


finally, here is an image of some of the other figures that they have shown on their site that I believe that we will be getting.  I was really looking forward to see how they were going to do the scarf.  I guess I will need to wait and see.

Lego Dimensions ALl of the 11 Dr Whos

Thanks for looking.

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More confirmation of Lego 75098 Hoth Echo Base UCS over at Promobricks

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Promobricks has found some additional confirmation of this set and the price that will be set.  Based on the wave and the fact that they are listed on a retailer site, I am betting that these are all of the January release sets.

See the post on PromoBricks here.

Lego 75098 Echo Base

This was originally found here at MisterBricks.

Thanks for looking.

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My Prediction for one of the next Lego Ideas Sets – Petes Dragon

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Is is a spectacular set and I think that it is a winner all around.  Not to mention the potential Green Parts Pack!

Lego Petes Dragon Ideas Set

I suggest that you go over to the site and vote for it.

Thanks for looking!

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Lego Toy Story Woody Prototype or Pre-Production figure

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I also received this picture from a reader last week and I wanted to get this one posted to see what you all thought of this one?   This figure came from a reliable source that has provided a few other pretty neat figures and it looks spot on.

Lego Prototype Woody Minifigure Pre Production without Printing

In my opinion, this is probably a figure that was pulled before the printing was applied.  Have you seen others like this?

I am not sure if any other differences exist with the figure other than having the printing removed.

The lego Toy Story figures were one of the first licensed lines that they started deviating from the standard minifigure for a more detailed look.  I know that some people do not care for these, but I think it really opened up the possibilities of what we can expect from Lego.

Here are a few pics from over on lego.wikia of the clay prototypes of Stinky Pete and Woody.  This would be a neat item to collect!

Below is a video of my Toy Story figure collection.  I believe it is complete and I even have a few that you may not have bothered to collect!  I have struggled with how to display these since they are so tall.

Here are a few more images of this figure.

Lego Prototype Woody Minifigure Pre Production without Printing parts Lego Prototype Woody Minifigure Pre Production without Printing Back Lego Prototype Woody Minifigure Pre Production without Printing Front

Thanks for looking.  Please like my Facebook page if you get a chance.

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Lego Store Female Employee Minifigure Variant

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I received a picture of these wto figures from a reader and it appears to be a female variant of the recent Employee Minifigure that we have seen.

Here is a picture of both of these that was submitted by the reader.

Lego Male and Female Employee Minifigure


From the little that I have been able to find online, this figure does not appear to have been a promo or a giveaway, but rather a perk for the Female Lego Store Employees?  I also heard that it was supplied without the head and that the head was just chosen from the pick a figure bins.  However, no fact here.  Just rumors.  Do any of you know anything about this one?  Please let me know.

Obviously the Legs are the same.  But the Torso appears to be unique and new.  The lines on the front are curved and the neck and the badge appears different as well.  Finally, the figure does not appear to have arm printing.

Here is the promo package that appears to have been a giveaway in some of the European countries.  I am not sure if it was a giveaway in the US.  I just picked one of these up on eBay for 8.99  🙂

Lego Male Employee Minifigure Promo

Once I get a little more information on this one, I will add it to the price guide.

If any of you have one of these, please let me know if you are interested in parting with it.  🙂  I would love to add one to my collection.  I will make you a reasonable offer.  🙂

As always, please like my page if you get a chance.

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Harry Potter Figures with Lego Printed on Back of Torso Does anyone have any information

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I recently picked up these two Lego Harry Potter Torsos that have the Lego Logs written on the back of them.  It appears that these are the only ones in the Harry Potter line that have this.

Lego Harry Potter and Dumbledore Promotional Torso with Lego Logo

Does anyone know where these come from?  When or why were they produced?  Were the included in some sort of promotion?  I anyone knows, please drop me a message via Facebook or on the Discus message below.

I picked these up on Bricklink here and here.

The appear to be the same as the torsos that come in these two figures except that they have the Lego Logo on the back.

Please let me know if you know of any additional information on these.  I would appreciate it.

A few people have commented on Facebook and it appears that these are keychain Torsos that made it out of the factory before being spiked with the keychain hook.

I also found this page here.

It looks like we may have a Snape and Hermione as well.  But I do not nee any mention of them on Bricklink.  Just this site.

Please like my page if you get a chance to keep this news coming in your direction.

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