Lego Mickey Mouse – This would be a good idea for Lego to produce

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This quote is per the creator.

“Mickey Mouse is designed and built completely with factory Lego parts. The model stands 20cm tall and contains 33 points of articulation, including ball jointed ears and individually moveable fingers. Also included are the “Kingdom Key” Keyblade from Kingdom Hearts and the paintbrush from Epic Mickey.”

He has really put some time into this and it looks awesome.

I have always thought that Lego was missing the boat with not producing Disney Figures.  Disney has so many to produce and who would not want a full collection of Disney Collectible minifigures.  I just looked here to get an idea of the list of characters that they could produce and I see more than 950!!!

Even if Disney and Lego only produced one half of these, we would still have a potential for 450+ minifigures.  That is enough for about 20 series of them.  So. I am going to go out on  limb and predict that one of the collectible series coming up will be Disney at some time in the next year or two.

Lego is currently making a run with Disney in the Duplo line, but it does not contain any figures.

Lego did make a few sets for distribution at Disney Theme parks about ten years ago.  These contained a few (five) minifigures and I currently believe that these are some of the most undervalued minifigures of all time.

You can see a full set of them as well as the current prices here.

You can purchase the entire line of them for about $40-$50 dollars if you act fast.  If fact, if I were you I would.  It take a little time to find a nice set of them, but they are well worth it.

Here is a picture of my set of these.  They are a litte more like Fabuland figures than minifigures, but a very very nice addition to your collection.

Lego Mickey Mouse Minifigures

However while you wait, you could create your own as in this lego ideas project.  These are brick built and they take a little bit of creativity, but very nice all the same.



Here is an original proff of concept from the beginning.  Not nearly as nice looking.  🙂


Here is his Flickr account with the same images as well.


Tiny Lego Man anatomy sculpter by freeny on DeviantArt – This is really kool!

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Jason Feeney has made a small minifigure that shows the anatopy of the figure inside of the lego figure.  I have seen a few of these in the past which it appears were all from his website.  I posted the links below for all of the ones that I could find.

I would live to have one of these for myself.  I wonder if he has considered selling these?  I posted him an email, but I have not received a response yet.  Also, someone posted on reddit that they are selling (the ones that are for sale) for between $1200 and $8000.  So that may be a little expensive for my blood.  I would really like a mass produced version of the one above.

You can see his full Gallery here.

You can also see his facebook page here.

He has some photos on his Facebook page that show some of the other figures that he is working on.  I saw a He-Man figure that looked pretty neat.

Here is a person on ETSY selling a printed figure of this.  It does not look nearly as good, but it is pretty neat on its own.  It is currently priced for about

See it here.

Some of Freeny’s other works.  This first one is really neat if you start to look at the detail.  The skull and the teeth are marvelous the way that they fit inside the head.  Then if you look at the hand and the detail how he made the hand bones “C” shaped to match the classic Lego minifigure hand shape.

The detail is just amazing.  It looks to me like he cut one of the lego flashlight figures open and started modeling the innards out of clay.  If I had any skill, I would try this at home.

After doing a little more digging, I found this on his Facebook page.  He has posted a bunch of pictures on how he created this figure.

Here is a step by step picture guide of how he created the larger masterpiece.  Please click on the link for the full size pictures on his website.  The mini picture below will also take you there as well.

Basically, it looks like he took a lego torch figure and cut one quarter out of it.  He then used 3M blue masking tape to cover up the rest of the figure.

It then looks like he built a wire frame inside of the figure to match the anatomy for the head and torso.  He then made the chest and skull for the figure out of a material called Apoxie.  You can pick this up here on Amazon.

Apoxie is described as a self hardening two part sculpting epoxy.  It looks like it has about about a 2-3 hour working time and that it will harden overnight in about 24 hours.  It also is able to be worked and sanded after it dries and it stick to just about anything.  It looks to be the perfect product for this process.

It then looks like he made each of the organ separately.  The ribs, the intestines etc.  Then it looks like he created the arm and the leg bones on the wire frame to look like human bones.  Finally, it looks like he hand painted the organs to give it a little color.  The final product is spectacular.  As I stated before, someone should produce this and sell about a million of these on the shelf at Target and Toys R us.  Heck, it would even make a great Christmas Tree Ornament.




Here is a link to another step by step for a Mr Potato Head figure.  It is really quite a process.


New Hobbit / LOTR’s Bain Minifigure found on Chinese Auction site today

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Another new minifigure was discovered on the Chinese auction site Taobao today.  It is an alternative Bain (Son of Bard) figure to add to our collection of Hobbit and Lord of the Rings minifigures.


This is the same guy that had the Star Wars polybag and the lightning lad figures last week, so it would appear that all of these are being produced in China as well.  I will keep checking back to see if we see any more of these over the next few days.

Lighting Lad


Admiral Yularen and Trickster

“Born during the late Third Age, Bain is a young Man of Dale, son to the famed Bard the Bowman and brother of Sigrid and Tilda. He helps his father in hiding the last Black Arrow while Bard is captured and imprisoned by the order of the master. He would eventually become King of Dale. He later had a son, Brand, who was killed during the War of Ring by the Easterling.”

This figure looks a little more authentic than the last one as the last one was a bright green color.  I will probably need to get it to complete my collection.  Darn you Lego.  I thought this line was finished.  I have already built my stand for this collection and it does not have any empty spaces.  I guess that I will need change it up a little.

I am not sure if this figure will have a double sided face like the last one, or if what we see is what we get with this one.

Here is the back, but it does not give us any clue as to what the face back will look like.

Bain back

I really hope that they finish off a few of the other characters from the movies and the books.  They still have quite a few that they have missed.  Possibly some other exclusive at Walmart or Amazon?  I can only hope.

It looks like another DVD figure based on the packaging.    I would guess that this is for the Hobbit:  The battle of Five Armies movie when it is released on DVD.  Also, based on how this went down with the last movie, it is probably going to be a Target exclusive as well.  I wonder why the seller of this figure is not popping him out of the packaging?  It would seem that you would get a better picture if you did that?

Overall the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings minifigures have been one of the more reasonable lines to get all of the figures for since I do not believe that they sold that well either.  This is one line that I am certain will increase in value in short order since so many people are nuts about these books and movies.  Afterall, these are some of biggest movies ever produced.

Lego has been working overtime to get more and more exclusive figures out this year.  This is going to hurt my wallet.


Here is the other Bain FIgure.

He was part of this set.  Lego 76016 “Attack on Lake Town”.  He also appeared in the Lego The Hobbit video game.


Here are the other two DVD’s that target released with Hobbit and Lord of the Rings minifigures in them.  This one had Legolas.  Which ironically is also the name of my dogs mom.

Here is the Bilbo Baggins exclusive minifigure which you can still pick up on Amazon.  This one is usually on the top 100 most expensive since it’s release was so limited.  I have sent a few of these to fellow collectors overseas since they have not been able to easily obtain them.

39 Different Lego Employee Minifigure Business Cards

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I recently spoke with an individual in Spain that collects Lego Employee Minifigure Business Cards.  I have seen a few of these in the past, but I was  under the assumption that these were just for the “C” level executives.  However, it appears that they are for quite a few public facing Lego employees.  This individual had over 25 of them and I found about another 15 on the web.

I asked the collector in spain and he said that it was fine to post his name.  If you have any of these figures he may be interested.  His name is Lluis Gilbert and you can contact him here through twitter at @lluisgib or Facebook

Please let him know if you have any others.  Also, if you have any that I do not know about, you can send me a note here with a link to a picture.

I have heard rumors that more than 100 unique ones exists.  I will add more details later, but you can see the full list with names and bigger images here.

Here are small images of all of these as well!


Please let me know if you know of any others of these.

I actually think that this is a really good idea.  This was previously mentioned a few years back, but how kool would it be to hand these out at a business conference.  I wonder if you could put a QR code on the back and have it automatically import the contact information into your phone?  Has anyone tried that on a regular business card?

I did not add these to the top 100 since it does not appear that a secondary market exists for these.  Also, I put a value of about $50 on all of these since that is what I would be willing to pay.  However, I am going to need to do a little more research for what these might actually be worth.

We need a Lego employee to give us the scoop on these.  I would bet that someone at Lego has a full row of all of these in their cubicle all lined up.

Here is one for Emma Owen with her image right next to it.  I believe that Lego released this one, but it also says twitter on it?  So I am not sure.  I think I would like to make my whole family.  That might be fun.  My three kids are different enough that I think it would work.  I will try that this weekend.  The kids may like it!

You can send me a note here if you know of any others.

I did a quick google search to see where you could get some of these made for your self.  In the UK, you could try here.

Also, here is a video on Gizmodo showing one up close. link added to all Star Wars figures

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I just added all of the links to my detail pages to the corresponding page.

ScreenHunter_15 Dec. 31 09.12 is the ultimate resource for all Star Wars figures.  No one keeps track of all of the star wars figures as accurately or completely as he does.  here is the description from his page.

“ or is a databank with all ABS LEGO® Star Wars™ minifigures that are part of an official LEGO Set or that can be attributed to an official LEGO, LEGOLAND® or LEGO Store program, activity, event or display. Have fun!”

My favorite part are his quest book and the Bricklink to his database so you can see the variations that he has found that Bricklink does not have listed yet!

See here for the guestbook 


here for the Bricklink 

I have added a link to my details page for each variation that he has listed in his database.  I will keep this updated on a regular basis,

I suggest that you head over to his site and check it out if you have not already and if you are a collector of Lego Star Wars figures!  He has about 20+ figures that are not listed on Bricklink.

He also has an active discussion going on variations and prints of the different figures as well as some of the fakes that have been found out in the wild.

He allows you to actively search the figures by set, type, affiliation, date and many other ways.

You can see a picture of his full collection here.

He also has a few ways to view all of the figures at once.  I really like how he has kept all of his images the same size and in doing so, divided the Jabba’s into two images that he combines back together in the full collection!

New Lego DC Super Heroes Exclusive Minifigure Revealed. Lightning Lad

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This looks to be another Target Exclusive set.  I guess that the first one sold well enough that we will see another of these.  I personally love the design of these boxes and I hope that they continue to produce more.  I think that the packaging was perfect and that the price of $15.oo US was spot on as well.  You can see a video of the packaging here, I also embedded the video a little further down in the post as well.

It looks like the set number will be 5004077.  This make sense since the old one was 5004076.

I will add these to the Price Guide as they become available to the general public.  I think that right now, it would incorrectly make it into the top 100 just because someone will pay the $112 just to have it now.

Super Heroes DC Lightning Lad –

Lightning Lad

Image courtesy of Taobao

Super Heroes DC SuperBoy from Original Set.


I will say to Lego if they are listening, that they should not stick capes in this box.  The cape on the Chima figure looks like a silk shirt that just went through the wash and not on delicate.  Here is a pic of the cape.

Crumpled Cape

This image above is a copy of the one posted to the Chinese Auction site since that will soon disappear.  I cannot read chinese, so I have no idea how many of them are for sale.  I also do not know what  ¥699.00 is, but Google says that is is about $112.00 US dollars.  At $112, he should just sell it on eBay since he would probably get a little better price.  But maybe it will sell for more on Taobao.  Who know.

I had to look up who the heck Lightning Lad is.  According to he is

“Lightning Lad is a founding member of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 30th Century. Born on the planet Winath, he gained electric powers during an encounter with Lightning Beasts on Korbal. He is known for being fun-loving but hot-headed and aggressive. Every Winathian has a twin, and his sister Ayla is Lightning Lass. The exception to this rule is his older brother Mekt, who was labeled a freak and became the villain Lightning Lord. His best friend is Legion co-founder Cosmic Boy, and his wife is co-founder Saturn Girl. Their two children are Graym Ranzz, and Garridan Ranzz who grows up to become the villain Validus. In Reboot Legion continuity, Garth uses the alias Live Wire. This version has also been a member of Workforce. In Prime Legion continuity, he uses the name Lightning Lad again. Lightning Lad was created by Otto Binder and Al Plastino, first appearing in Adventure Comics #247. (1958) ”

Here is a much better explanation of him.  I will not copy this one here as it is a pretty large book.

Additionally, here is a pic of the front of the comic that he first appeared in.  This is an image hosted on

Now, I read a lot of comics as a kid and I never remember this one coming up.  Not even once.  So it was either a weak read, or I missed it.  So I have to assume that this figure will be a one off exclusive that will only show up in this set.  That is unless they have a new movie coming out this summer that I am not aware of.

I am not sure if the other three figures are exclusives or not.  I would assume yes based on the last set, but I will let someone else figure this out as I do not collect these.  I will however, post images of the first target exclusive set under the new ones so that you can compare the figures and the box art that is included in this set.  Finally, you can also see a video of the first set here as well so you can see what the packaging looks like.

Chima Sir Fangar Image courtesy of Taobao

Chima Sir Fangar


CHIMA Fire Lavertus from the original Target Exclusive

CHIMA Fire Lavertus

City Explorer Diver Image courtesy of Taobao

City Explore Diver

City Swamp Ranger from the original Target Exclusive

Swamp Ranger

NinjaGo Kai Image courtesy of Taobao

NinjaGo Kai

Ninjago Lloyd Green Ninja DX from the original Target Exclusive.

Lloyd Green Ninja DX

Again, it looks like to can pick this up if you can speak Chinese.  If anyone knows the set number from the bottom of the box, pop me a message or let me know.  I would like to have it.  However, I imagine BrickSet will have it shortly.

Two New Minifigures Spotted in the Wild. Admiral Yularen and Trickster (Ugly Yellow Figure)

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These look legit based on what we have seen recently.

It appears that you can buy these right now if you can read Chinese on the Chinese Auction site Taobao.  Good Luck!  I am not sure how many that they have, but they are probably due to the fact that they were both being manufactured in China and someone took a few samples home.  If you scroll down, you will also see pictures of the Target Exclusive and the Bizarro Batman as well.  We may have to start checking this site a little more often!

I wonder if Lego cares about this, or if they consider all of the free press a good thing?  What do you think?

For credit, I found these on Eurobricks and Wikipedia, but I believe that GrooveBricks broke the news here.

Everyone in the rumor mill believes that this will be a free promo with purchase for the annual May the Forth be with you.  I think that this is a little week for that promotion, but it may be the only way that will will see a little known character like this as a minifigure.

Here is a huge description of Admiral Yularen from

and here is a brief one from

“ADMIRAL WULFF YULAREN An admiral in the Republic’s service, Yularen served gallantly in the Clone Wars, commanding a Jedi Cruiser in many campaigns against Separatist forces. Yularen was assigned to serve with the Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, and the rigid officer and the impulsive Jedi made for an odd combination. Yularen admired Anakin’s bravery and instincts in battle while deploring his recklessness and willingness to interpret orders creatively — or ignore them altogether.”


I am not sure about the Trickster, but it looks like a book or DVD packaging.  Both of these were found out on here and here.

Lego Trickster confirmed to be part of DC Heroes Justice League Movie

Here is a brief description of the Trickster taken from

“The Trickster is a member of the Rogues and enemy of The Flash who commits crimes using dangerous gadgets themed after practical joke elements. His most notable invention is a pair of shoes that allow him to walk on the air itself. He has also been a member of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Secret Society of Super-Villains. There have been two super-villains to use the name, former circus acrobat James Jesse and teenage hoodlum Axel Walker. Trickster was created by John Broome and Carmine Infantino, first appearing in Flash #113. (1960) Axel Walker was created by Geoff Johns and Scott Kolins, first appearing in Flash (Volume 2) #183. (2002) ”

Here is a picture of the first comic that he appeared in for those that are not familiar with him.  Image courtesy of

I am not sure if we have a new movie coming, or if this will be part of a DVD animation that will be released this summer.  I poked around a little and I see a Flash Movie in 2016, but that is too far off to release a figure for it already.  I did however find this article.

Where is looks like we have a Flash TV series coming out in 2015.  In the past, these series have not been stellar, but based on my watching of Shield and Gotham this fall, I will definitely give this a try.  Those two shows have been top notch.

I also found and auction for Bizarro Batman as well.  This is currently available for pre-release purchase here at Amazon.  Take a look.  they have great pictures of the figure on Amazon already.

You can order it here.  Amazon

The batman figure looks fun and I will have to have one, but I am suprised that they think kids will like Batzarro.  I used to cringe when superman had Bizarro superman in it and I just passed right by the Batzarro issues.  Who knows, maybe they will be great!