The First 15 Minutes of the Lego Dimensions Game

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IGN Just posted the first 15 minutes of the Lego Dimensions Video Game in an interview with TT Games.  It helps to explain quite a bit on how the game works.  You can see it here or by clicking on the image.

ScreenHunter_521 Sep. 21 17.56

It is about 15 minutes and it is pretty interesting.  They discuss the strategy and the ideas behind the game play as well as some of the issues that they had with production.  They also go through the building instructions as well as more views of the portal and the figures.

They also go on to say that it would be ideal to have 3 or 4 people playing the game at once!

I as super excited about all of the new minifigures that we are getting with this video game.  I made a list of all of the new ones here.

Lego Dimensions has 21 Unique Figures as far as I can tell so far


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