The Lego Ghostbusters Collection is now complete

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I just picked up the Slimer Dimensions pack today and now the set of the Ghostbuster minifigures is complete.  I took the libery of displaying them all on Dimension bases!  I thought that they looked pretty good that way!  Also, it allows for me to stand them around the Ghostbusters Firehouse Headquarters without sticking them to the bricks.   Click on the image to see a high resolution image.

All Lego Ghostbusters Unique Minifigures

If you are missing any of these, here is the full line up and how to order them all.  They are all still available pretty easily.

Peter Venkman Dimensions  Source Amazon

lego dimensions ghostbusters 71228 level Pack Peter Venkman Minifigure

Stay Puft Dimensions Source Amazon

lego dimensions ghostbusters 71233 Stay Puft Marshmallow Man Minifigure

Slimer Dimensions Source Amazon

lego dimensions ghostbusters 71241 Fun Pack Slimer Minifigure

Lego 75827 Headquarters.  This is my all time favorite set ever!  This has most of the remaining figures.  Source Amazon

Lego Ghostbuster 75827 Official Image Box

If you do not want this set, and you just want the figures, I see people just selling the figures over on eBay.  Here is an example.  Just watch on ebay and you will see a set in short time.

75827 Lego Ghostbusters HD Image


Finally the 21108 Ghostbusters Ecto 1 – Source Amazon – This set has the last 4 figures.

Lego Ghostbuster 75827 Ecto


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