This guy is one year late to the party – But he is still pretty happy! Cubs win in 2016

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First let me say…

Congratulations to the Chicago Cubs.  It has been a long time coming!

I picked up this guy last year at Brickworld.  He was a promotional figure created for the Brickworld Chicago conference in 2015.  I thought he was pretty awesome, but alas, they did not win in 2015.  However, today he woke up and he felt pretty special so he wanted his picture taken just the same!  I realize that I for some reason though that they just won in 2017.  I am not sure why I woke up thinking the incorrect year.  I have since fixed this.  Maybe I am just optimistic that they will win next year as well!


The hat also has the cubs logo on it as well which you can see from the picture below.


If you are a collector, here are the other Brickworld minifigures that I am familiar with.  I am looking to add a few of these to my collection, so please contact me if you have extras.  I am still missing a few of these.

Thanks for looking

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