Two more 501st Legion Dutch Garrison Minifigure Images to droll over

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Suddenly I want to join the Dutch 501st Legion!  A reader contacted me last week after I posted the German and Dutch 501st Garrison minifigures and let me know that a few additional varieties of these figures exist and that he could send me some pictures which I am about to show you.

The reader also cautioned that these figure are 100% not available for sale in any way and that they are for Dutch Garrison members only.  No exceptions to this rule can be made so we should not ask to buy them.  Please respect this as selling these figures can get the Garrison members in trouble.

Lego 501st Legion Dutch Garrison Minifigures Back

They also sent me a picture of the standard Dutch Garrison Stormtrooper as well which I included so that you could see all three Dutch Garrison minifigures next to each other.

Here is a video review of these figures…

Here are the fronts of the figures…

Lego 501st Legion Dutch Garrison Minifigures Front

and here are the individual images of each one.

Lego 501st Legion Dutch Garrison Minifigure Off Duty Tie Front

Lego 501st Legion Dutch Garrison Minifigure Off Duty Tie Back

Lego 501st Legion Dutch Garrison Minifigure front

Lego 501st Legion Dutch Garrison Minifigure Back

Lego 501st Legion Dutch Garrison Minifigure Off Duty T-Shirt Front

Lego 501st Legion Dutch Garrison Minifigure Off DUty T-Shirt Back

Thanks for looking and I hope you enjoyed the post.

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