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I found this enormous collection while browsing ebay today. This is the largest collection of these Store Display Lego minifigures that I have ever seen anywhere. This is worthy of a Museum display. But I guess at a whopping $60,000 it should be!
You can see his eBay auction here. I am not affiliated with him at all, I just thought that this was an amazing collection. I think I may need to add a section to my site listing all of the different ones of these. 🙂
I am not positive how many of these he has in his collection as he appears to have moved them while he was taking these pictures.
I am including links below to all of the other images. You can click on them to see a larger image. I did a little research on eBay and it looks like we have two different varieties of these. The Solid ones and the ones from Japan that have movable parts and come apart just like regular Minifigures.