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I recently saw these four figures in a photo on flickr and I did some research to figure out where they came from! What is special about these is the fact that all four torsos kind of go together and are animal themed! It is too bad we did not have a lion and a bear, but these are still pretty nice. Additionally, these are currently really cheap and easy to get a hold of on ebay and bricklink.
Here are the backs and the sets that they come in. They also come in other sets as well, but this should get you started.
I did find one seller on eBay selling three of these. He is just missing the alligator.
BTW, here is the pic that JeRoMe made. Of course it is better than mine! If you get a chance, take a look at his photostream, you cannot go wrong looking at his! He has one of the best on Flickr.
Thanks for looking
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